\name{plotAligned} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{plotAligned} \title{Visualise reads aligned to genome intervals} \description{ Visualise reads aligned to genome intervals } \usage{ plotAligned(x, y, chr, start, end, plus.col = "#00441b", minus.col = "#283d78", gff, featureLegend = FALSE, gffChrColumn = "seq_name", gffTypeColumn="type", gffNameColumn="ID", featureExclude = c("chromosome", "nucleotide_match", "insertion"), showStrands="both", extraColors=NULL, ylim, highlight, main, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Object of class \code{AlignedGenomeIntervals}} \item{y}{This argument is only specified for compatibility with plot.default and not used in the function.} \item{chr}{string; on which chromosome is the region to plot} \item{start}{integer; start coordinate of the chromosome region to plot} \item{end}{integer; end coordinate of the chromosome region to plot} \item{plus.col}{ which colour to use for the reads on the Plus strand} \item{minus.col}{ which colour to use for the reads on the Plus strand} \item{gff}{Data frame containing annotation for genomic feature to be used to further annotate the plot. Note that it must include a column called \dQuote{type} that indicates the type of each genomic feature (e.g. miRNA, gene etc.). } \item{featureLegend}{logical; should a legend that describes the colour code for the annotated genome features be appended at the bottom of the plot?} \item{gffChrColumn}{string; which column of the \code{gff} data.frame holds the chromosome identifier of each feature.} \item{gffTypeColumn}{string; which column of the \code{gff} data.frame holds the type/class identifier of each feature. Used for the colouring of features.} \item{gffNameColumn}{what is the column of the gff data.frame called that holds the identifier of the element that should be displayed in the plot; default: \dQuote{name}} \item{featureExclude}{character; which kinds of annotated genome features specified in the \code{gff} are to be ignored for the plot} \item{showStrands}{string; which strands to show in the plot; defaults to \dQuote{both}, but users can specify to show only the reads on \dQuote{plus} or \dQuote{minus} strand} \item{extraColors}{named character vector which allows the user to specify custom colours for feature types; colours must be specified in RGB format as hexadecimal strings starting with \dQuote{#}, e.g. \dQuote{#addfff} for light-blue} \item{ylim}{range of read numbers to plot (y-axis limits); if not specified they are computed from the data in the specified region} \item{highlight}{currently unused} \item{main}{string; main title to use for the plot} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed on to the more primitive plotting functions used} } \details{ This function implements the \code{plot} method for objects of class \code{AlignedGenomeIntervals}. } \value{ Returns \code{NULL}; this function is called for the side-effect of creating the plot. } \author{Joern Toedling, Wolfgang Huber} \note{ This function was inspired by and borrows source code from the function \code{plotAlongChrom} in package \code{tilingArray} } \seealso{\code{\link{AlignedGenomeIntervals-class}}} \examples{ A <- AlignedGenomeIntervals( start=c(1,8,10,20), end=c(5,15,16,25), chromosome=rep("chr1", each=4), strand=c("+","+","+","+"), sequence=c("ACATT","TATCGGAC","TCGGACT","GTAACG"), reads=c(5L, 2L, 4L, 7L) ) M2 <- new("Genome_intervals_stranded", rbind(c(2,6), c(1,15), c(20,30)), closed = matrix(TRUE, ncol=2, nrow=3), annotation = data.frame( seq_name= factor(rep("chr1", 3)), inter_base= logical(3), strand=factor(rep("+", 3), levels=c("+","-")), alias=c("miRNA1","gene1","tRNA1"), type=c("miRNA","gene","tRNA")) ) if (interactive()) plot(A, M2, chr="chr1", start=0, end=35, nameColum="alias", showStrands="plus") if (interactive()) ## use 'extraColors' to replace default colours (or to add new ones): plot(A, M2, chr="chr1", start=0, end=35, nameColum="alias", showStrands="plus", extraColors=c("tRNA"="#6666DD")) ## See also the examples in the vignette and on the manual page ## of the class 'AlignedGenomeIntervals' } \keyword{internal} \keyword{hplot}