\name{normalizeChromosomes} \alias{normalizeChromosomes} \title{Normalize quantitative NGS data in order to make counts comparable over samples. Scales each samples' reads such that the coverage is even for all samples after normalization.} \usage{ normalizeChromosomes(X, chr, normType = "poisson", qu = 0.25, ploidy) } \arguments{ \item{X}{Matrix of positive real values, where columns are interpreted as samples and rows as genomic regions. An entry is the read count of a sample in the genomic region.} \item{chr}{Character vector that has as many elements as "X" has rows. The vector assigns each genomic segment to a reference sequence (chromosome).} \item{normType}{Type of the normalization technique. Each samples' read counts are scaled such that the total number of reads is equal after normalization. By this parameter one can decide to which coverage (i.e. total reads) the read counts should be normalized. Possible choices are the minimal coverage ("min"), the mean or median coverage ("mean", "median") or any quantile ("quant"). If this parameter is set to the value "mode", the read counts are scaled such that each samples' most frequent value (the "mode") is equal after normalization. If the parameter is set to "poisson" the values are scaled such that the distribution is (rowwise) close to a Poisson distribution. Possible values are "mean","min","median","quant","poisson, and "mode". Default = "poisson".} \item{qu}{Real value between 0 and 1. Default = 0.25.} \item{ploidy}{An integer value for each sample or each column in the read count matrix. At least two samples must have a ploidy of 2. Default = "missing".} } \value{ A data matrix of normalized read counts with the same dimensions as the input matrix X. } \description{ Normalize quantitative NGS data in order to make counts comparable over samples. Scales each samples' reads such that the coverage is even for all samples after normalization. } \examples{ data(cn.mops) X.norm <- normalizeChromosomes(X) } \author{ Guenter Klambauer \email{klambauer@bioinf.jku.at} }