\name{generateDataMap} \alias{generateDataMap} \title{Create java beans and mapping functions for a R data type} \description{ The \code{generateDataMap} function generates java beans and R--Java data type conversions for a R data type if they are not available in the environment \code{lookup}. All java mappings are output as files under \code{CurrentWorkingDir/biocJavaMap}, where \code{CurrentWorkingDir} is the result of \code{getwd()}. This function also updates environments \code{lookup} and \code{cvtImport} (see arguments below) as a side effect. } \usage{ generateDataMap(rType, javaToR, deployMode, typeMode, lookup) } \arguments{ \item{rType}{a character vector containing a R data type name. The data type is either a S4 class or a ClassUnion.} \item{javaToR}{logical, TRUE if want to convert Java data to R, FALSE if want to convert R data to Java.} \item{deployMode}{Character, either "demo" or "jms". How the service will be deployed. "demo" is no longer supported.} \item{typeMode}{Character, either "robject" or "javalib". How Java objects should be generated; see \code{\link{generateDataMap}} and \code{\link{converters}}} \item{lookup}{environment, key is rType, value is of type \code{RJMap}. \code{RJMap} provides the java type, java package, and java--R conversion function names for the key. By default, \code{lookup} only contains mapping information for vector, list, factor, data frame, array, matrix, environment and NULL} } \value{ returns updated environment \code{lookup}. } \author{Nianhua Li} \seealso{ \code{printLookup} } \examples{ ## used internally } \keyword{interface}