\name{densityplot} \docType{methods} \alias{densityplot} \alias{densityplot-methods} \alias{densityplot,RGList,missing-method} \alias{densityplot,list,missing-method} \title{Density plots of log2 intensity values} \description{ Plots the estimated density of log2 intensity values for two-color microarrays } \usage{ \S4method{densityplot}{RGList,missing}( x, channel=c("G", "R"), group=NULL, subset=NULL, \dots) \S4method{densityplot}{list,missing}( x, channel=c("G", "R"), group=NULL, subset=NULL, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Either an \code{\link[limma:RGList-class]{RGList}} object, or a list containing \code{\link[limma:MAList-class]{MAList}} and/or \code{\link[Biobase:NChannelSet-class]{NChannelSet}} objects} \item{channel}{The channel to use for calculating distances, one of either "G" (green or control channel) or "R" (red or experimental channel)} \item{group}{An optional character string specifying the name of a factor to create separate panel displays, which must be in \code{x$genes} (for \code{\link[limma:RGList-class]{RGList}} objects)} \item{subset}{An optional character vector specifying the which levels of \code{group} to use in creating separate panel displays} \item{\dots}{arguments to pass to \code{\link[lattice:densityplot]{densityplot}}} } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(x = "RGList", data = "missing")}}{ For \code{\link[limma:RGList-class]{RGList}} objects, separate panel displays can be produced for different types of probes, as determined by the \code{group} argument. } \item{\code{signature(x = "list", data = "missing")}}{ The method for \code{list} objects is intended to work with lists of normalized data sets, as either \code{\link[limma:MAList-class]{MAList}} or \code{\link[Biobase:NChannelSet-class]{NChannelSet}} objects. This method will produce separate panel displays for each normalized data set, additionally subsetted by the \code{group} argument if supplied. The \code{useOuterStrips} function in the \pkg{latticeExtra} package can be used for `outer' strip labels in the latter case. } }} \references{ D. Sarkar, R. Parkin, S. Wyman, A. Bendoraite, C. Sather, J. Delrow, A. K. Godwin, C. Drescher, W. Huber, R. Gentleman, and M. Tewari. Quality assessment and data analysis for microRNA expression arrays. Nucleic Acids Res, 37(2):e17, 2009. } \seealso{ \code{\link[MmPalateMiRNA:levelplot]{levelplot}} for pairwise distance plots between arrays, \code{\link[MmPalateMiRNA:MADvsMedianPlot]{MADvsMedianPlot}} for median absolute deviation versus median plots, and \code{\link[MmPalateMiRNA:MAplot]{MAplot}} for MA plots } \examples{ data(PalateData) res <- densityplot(PalateData, channel="G", group="probe.type", subset = c("Other miRNAs", "MMU miRNAs", "Control"), col=rep(1:3, each=3), lty=rep(1:3, 3), key = list(lines=list(col=rep(1:3, each=3), lty=rep(1:3, 3)), columns=3)) print(res) } \keyword{methods} \keyword{hplot} %% High-Level Plots