\name{smoothDWT} \alias{smoothDWT} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ smooth (denoise) the spectrum by DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) } \description{ Smooth (denoise) the spectrum by DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) } \usage{ smoothDWT(ms, nLevel = 6, wf = "la8", localNoiseTh = seq(1, 0, by = -0.2), localWinSize = 500, globalNoiseTh = 0.75, smoothMethod = c("soft", "hard"), method = c('dwt', 'modwt')) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{ms}{ a vector representing the mass spectrum } \item{nLevel}{ the level of DWT decomposition } \item{wf}{ the name of wavelet for DWT } \item{localNoiseTh}{ local noise level threshold } \item{localWinSize}{ local window size for estimate local noise threshold } \item{globalNoiseTh}{ global noise level threshold } \item{smoothMethod}{ the method used for denoising. 'hard' means keeping the dwt coefficients higher than the threshold unchanged; "soft" means the dwt coefficients higher than the threshold were subtracted by the threshold. } \item{method}{ 'dwt' or 'modwt' used for decomposition } } \details{ } \value{ return the smoothed mass spectrum with the 'detail' component of DWT as an attribute 'detail'. } \references{ } \author{ Pan Du } \examples{ } \keyword{ methods }