\name{plot.MLP} \alias{plot.MLP} \title{Plot the Results of an MLP Run...} \usage{\method{plot}{MLP}(x, y, type=c("barplot", "GOgraph", "quantileCurves"), ...) } \description{Plot the Results of an MLP Run} \value{for type = "barplot", the midpoints of the barplot} \arguments{\item{x}{object of class 'MLP'} \item{y}{argument added to comply with generic; not used, defaults to NULL} \item{type}{character of length one; one of 'barplot', 'GOgraph' or 'quantileCurves'} \item{...}{further arguments for the plot functions for each type} } \examples{pathExampleMLPResult <- system.file("exampleFiles", "exampleMLPResult.rda", package = "MLP") load(pathExampleMLPResult) dev.new(width = 10, height = 10) op <- par(mar = c(30, 10, 6, 2)) plot(exampleMLPResult, type = "barplot") par(op) plot(exampleMLPResult, type = "quantileCurves") if (require(GO.db) && require(Rgraphviz)){ plot(exampleMLPResult, type = "GOgraph") }}