\name{neweS} \alias{neweS} \title{Coerce a matrix to class ExpressionSet} \description{ This function converts a data matrix into an \code{ExpressionSet} object. } \usage{ neweS(mat, vlist, vlabel = as.list(names(vlist))) } \arguments{ \item{mat}{A data matrix to be converted.} \item{vlist}{A list, each component of which describes a factor in the experimental design.} \item{vlabel}{A list of labels for each component of \code{vlist}.} } \details{ Each element of a component of \code{vlist} corresponds to a column of \code{mat}. See \code{\link{vlist}} for an example. } \value{ \item{eset}{An \code{ExpressionSet} object.} } \references{\url{http://dmrocke.ucdavis.edu}} \author{David Rocke and Geun-Cheol Lee} \seealso{\code{\link{vlist}}} \examples{ library(Biobase) library(LMGene) #data data(sample.mat) data(vlist) Smpdt <- neweS(sample.mat,vlist) data(sample.eS) identical(exprs(sample.eS), exprs(Smpdt)) identical(pData(sample.eS), pData(Smpdt)) } \keyword{manip}