\name{goSlim-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{goSlim} \alias{goSlim-methods} \alias{goSlim,GOCollection,GOCollection-method} \alias{goSlim,ExpressionSet,GOCollection-method} \title{Methods for Function goSlim in Package `GSEABase'} \description{ These methods summarize the gene ontology terms implied by the \code{idSrc} argument into the GO terms implied by the \code{slimCollection} argument. The summary takes identifiers in \code{idSrc} and determines all GO terms that apply to the identifiers. This full list of GO terms are then classified for membership in each term in the \code{slimCollection}. The resulting object is a data frame containing the terms of \code{slimCollection} as row labels, counts and frequencies of identifiers calssified to each term, and an abbreviated term description. An identifier in \code{idSrc} can expand to serveral GO terms, and the GO terms in \code{slimCollection} can imply an overlapping hierarchy of terms. Thus the resulting summary can easily contain more counts than there are identifiers in \code{idSrc}. } \usage{ goSlim(idSrc, slimCollection, ontology, ..., verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{idSrc}{An argument determining the source of GO terms to be mapped to slim terms. The source might be a \code{GOCollection} of terms, or another object (e.g., ExpressionSet) for which the method can extract GO terms.} \item{slimCollection}{An argument containing the GO slim terms.} \item{ontology}{A character string nameing the ontology to be consulted when identifing slim term hierarchies. One of \sQuote{MF} (molecular function), \sQuote{BP} (biological process), \sQuote{CC} (cellular compartment).} \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to specific emthods.} \item{verbose}{Logical influencing whether messages (primarily missing GO terms arising during creation of the slim hierarchy) are reported.} } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{idSrc="GOCollection", slimCollection="GOCollection", ontology="character", ..., verbose=FALSE}{Classify \code{idSrc} GO terms into \code{slimCollection} categories. The hierarchy of terms included for each term is from the ontology (MF, BP, or CC) specified by \code{ontology}. \code{verbose} informs about, e.g., GO terms that are not found.} \item{idSrc="ExpressionSet", slimCollection="GOCollection", ontology="character", ..., verbose=FALSE}{Determine the (unique) GO terms implied by feature names in \code{idSrc} (using the annotation map identified in \code{annotation(idSrc)}).} }} \examples{ myIds <- c("GO:0016564", "GO:0003677", "GO:0004345", "GO:0008265", "GO:0003841", "GO:0030151", "GO:0006355", "GO:0009664", "GO:0006412", "GO:0015979", "GO:0006457", "GO:0005618", "GO:0005622", "GO:0005840", "GO:0015935", "GO:0000311") myCollection <- GOCollection(myIds) fl <- system.file("extdata", "goslim_plant.obo", package="GSEABase") slim <- getOBOCollection(fl) goSlim(myCollection, slim, "MF") data(sample.ExpressionSet) goSlim(sample.ExpressionSet, slim, "MF", evidenceCode="TAS") } \keyword{methods}