\name{NormiR} \Rdversion{0.99.0} \alias{NormiR} \title{ miRNA raw data normalization function (high level) } \description{ This function converts an AffyBatch object into an ExpressionSet object performing both normalization and summarization. By default it uses the spike-in probe-based normalization method and the median summarization. In case the spike-in probe-based method cannot be applied, a median normalization is executed instead. Several options allow to force the execution of the spike-in probe-based normalization and to fine-tune the resulting correction functions. } \usage{ NormiR( abatch, method=c("spikein","mean","median"), background.correct=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, figures.show=TRUE, figures.output=c("display","file"), out.type=c("ExpressionSet", "data.frame"), min.corr=0.5, loess.span=-1, extrap.points=2, extrap.method=c("mean","linear"), force.zero=FALSE, cover.ext=0.5, cover.int=1/3, max.log2span=1) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{abatch}{ AffyBatch object } \item{method}{ Character vector. By default, \code{spikein} method is used. \code{mean} or \code{median} can also be selected and are used in case the 'spike-in' method can not be applied. } \item{background.correct}{ Logical. Default value is \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, the \code{rma} background correction is applied. } \item{verbose}{ Logical. Default value is \code{TRUE}; some details are provided on the console } \item{figures.show}{ Logical. Default value is \code{TRUE}. Control figures are generated for the \code{spikein} method. } \item{figures.output}{ Character vector. By default, \code{display} is used. Figures are shown to the screen. Using \code{file} generates the figures in PDF format in the working directory. } \item{out.type}{ Character vector. Default value is \code{ExpressionSet}. The object type output by \code{NormiR}. } \item{min.corr}{ Numeric. Default value is 0.5. Minimal allowed value for the average of the off-diagonal elements of the Pearson correlation matrix of the spike-in probeset intensities across the arrays. } \item{loess.span}{ Numeric. Default value is -1, which corresponds to a loess smoothing neighbourhood spanning a fraction 3/(number of spike-in probesets) of the total number of points. Other positive values are allowed, see the \code{span} argument of the R \code{loess} function } \item{extrap.points}{ Numeric. Default value is 2. The number of spike-in probesets used in the high-intensity extrapolation of the normalization correction function. } \item{extrap.method}{ Character vector. Default value is \code{mean}. The method used for the high-intensity extrapolation of the normalization correction function. } \item{force.zero}{ Logical. Default value is \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, it forces the normalization correction functions to have zero values at the lower end of the probe intensity range. } \item{cover.ext}{ Numeric. Default value is 1/2. Minimal allowed relative coverage of the spike-in probesets intensities. It is computed as the ratio between the intensity range covered by the spike-in probes and the one covered by all probes on the array. } \item{cover.int}{ Numeric. Default value is 1/3. Maximal allowed relative intensity interval between two consecutive spike-in probesets. It is computed as the largest intensity difference between two consecutive spike-in probesets divided by the overall probe intensity range. } \item{max.log2span}{ Numeric. Default value is 1. Gives the maximal (log2) intensity interval allowed for the probes belonging to one spike-in probeset. } } \details{ See accompanying vignette. } \value{ An \code{ExpressionSet} object or a \code{data.frame} object, depending on the \code{out.type} option } \examples{ data(galenv) data(GSE20122) eset.spike <- NormiR(GSE20122) eset.spike } \author{ Sylvain Gubian, Alain Sewer, PMP SA }