%\VignetteIndexEntry{Application Examples of RpsiXML package}
%\VignetteDepends{RBGL, Rgraphviz, ppiStats}



% R part
\newcommand{\todo}[2]{\textit{\textbf{To do:} (#1) #2}}
\newcommand{\fixme}[2]{\textit{\textbf{FIXME:} (#1) #2}}

\title{RpsiXML: Application Examples}
\author{Jitao David Zhang and Tony Chiang}

  % 1. Why do we care about the problem?
  % 2. What is the problem?
  % 3. How do we solve it?
  % 4. What is the result?
  % 5. What are the implications of the result?
  \Rpackage{RpsiXML} allows the communication between protein interaction data
  stored in PSI-MI XML format and the statistical and computational
  environment of \R{R} and \R{Bioconductor}. In the vignette
  \emph{RpsiXML}, we introduced how to read in PSI-MI XML 2.5 files
  with \Rpackage{RpsiXML}. In this vignette, we illustrate the use of
  \Rpackage{RpsiXML} with example. These applications demonstrate the
  power of the package in analyzing protein-protein interaction
  networks (PPIN).


The systematic mapping of protein interactions by bait-prey techniques
contributes a unique and novel perspective on the global picture of cellular machines. We introduce \R{R} and \R{Bioconductor}
package \Rpackage{RpsiXML} as an interface between standarized
protein-protein interaction data and statistical and computational
environment, and a collection of tools for statistical analysis of
graph representations of these data. In this vignette we use an small toy
protein protein interaction network to illustrate some aspects of the
package usage.

To this end we first load neccessary packages.
<<lib, echo=TRUE>>=

\section{Statistics of Protein-Protein Interaction Networks}
Upon reading the protein-protein interaction data into \R{R}
environment, one intuitive approach to study it is to query
the statistics of the network. In this section we will use tools
implemented in \Rpackage{RpsiXML}, \Rpackage{graph},
\Rpackage{ppiStats} and
\Rpackage{RBGL} to study the some statistical characteristics of a
sample dataset provided by \textit{IntAct}. And
\Rpackage{Rgraphviz} package is used to visualize some results.

<<parse, echo=TRUE, results=hide>>=
xmlDir <- system.file("/extdata/psi25files",package="RpsiXML")
intactxml <- file.path(xmlDir, "intact_2008_test.xml")
x <- psimi25XML2Graph(intactxml, INTACT.PSIMI25, verbose=FALSE)

<<visGraph, echo=FALSE, results=hide, fig=TRUE, include=FALSE>>=
nA <- makeNodeAttrs(x, label="", fillcolor="lightblue", width=0.4, height=0.4)
plot(x, "neato", nodeAttrs=nA)

<<removeSelfLoop, echo=FALSE, fig=TRUE, include=FALSE>>=
xn <- removeSelfLoops(x)
nA <- makeNodeAttrs(xn, label="", fillcolor="lightblue", width=0.4, height=0.4)
plot(xn, "neato", nodeAttrs=nA)

\mysubfig{visGraph}{0.45\textwidth}{Original graph}{removeSelfLoop}{0.45\textwidth}{Self-loops removed}{Sample
  dataset from \textit{IntAct} data repository, before and after
  removing self-loops.}{visGraphWaWOloop}

The graph contains \Sexpr{numNodes(x)} proteins (nodes) and
\Sexpr{numEdges(x)} interactions (edges), as visualized in Figure
\ref{visGraph}, which suggests there are quite a few loops, namely
edges that connect a vertex to itself. The proteins with such a
self-loop interact with themselves, for example by forming dimers (or
polymers). We count how many proteins have such an attribute.

isSelf <- function(g) {
  ns <- nodes(g)
  sapply(ns, function(x) x %in% adj(g, x)[[1]])
isSelfLoop <- isSelf(x)
selfCount <- sum(isSelfLoop)

The results show that \Sexpr{selfCount} proteins interact with
themselves. In the next steps, these self-loops are removed, since
they raise special issues of certain graph statistics like degree
for which we don't delve into details. The graph after removing
loops are visualized in Figure \ref{removeSelfLoop}.

<<outdHist, echo=FALSE, results=hide,fig=TRUE, include=FALSE>>=
opar <- par(mar=c(4,4,0,1))
ds <- degree(xn)
hist(ds[[2]], xlab="", main="")

<<indHist, echo=FALSE, results=hide, fig=TRUE, include=FALSE>>=
opar <- par(mar=c(4,4,0,1))
hist(ds[[1]], xlab="", main="")

of degree distribution in the graph}{degreeHist}

Even though it is a small network, the sample protein-protein
interaction network seems to be like a scale-free
network, whose degree distribution follows a power law, or at least skewed, as seen in
Figure \ref{degreeHist}. Studies on
larger protein-protein interaction networks suggests the human interactome
may be of a scale-free network, although there is also discussion
whether the interactome is rather geometric. We refer interested
readers to related references. 

One problem of special interest is to find cliques in protein
interaction networks. A \emph{clique} is a complete subgraph, i.e.,
there is an edge between every pair of vertices. \emph{Maximum Clique}
problem is to find the largest clique in a graph. We use
\Rfunction{maxClique} function implemented in \Rpackage{RBGL} to find
all cliques in the example graph.

<<findClique, echo=TRUE>>=
xu <- ugraph(xn)
cls <- maxClique(xu)$maxCliques
cs <- sapply(cls,length)

<<countClique,echo=FALSE, results=hide>>=
cc <- table(cs)
c4 <- cc[["4"]]
c3 <- cc[["3"]]

<<visClique,fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE, include=FALSE>>=
c4ns <- cls[cs==max(cs)]
c4a <- c4ns[[1]]
c4b <- c4ns[[2]]
ns <- nodes(xn); ncols <- rep("lightblue", length(ns))
ncols[ns %in% c4a] <- "#FF0033"
ncols[ns %in% c4b] <- "#FFFF33"
ncols[ns %in% intersect(c4a,c4b)] <- "#FF8033"
nA <- makeNodeAttrs(xn, fillcolor=ncols, label="",width=0.4, height=0.4)
plot(xn, "neato", nodeAttrs=nA)

<<visCliqueAlone, fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE, include=FALSE>>=
c4nodes <- unique(c(c4a, c4b))
c4sub <- subGraph(c4nodes, xn)
ns <- nodes(c4sub); ncols <- rep("lightblue", length(ns))
ncols[ns %in% c4a] <- "#FF0033"
ncols[ns %in% c4b] <- "#FFFF33"
ncols[ns %in% intersect(c4a,c4b)] <- "#FF8033"
nA <- makeNodeAttrs(c4sub, fillcolor=ncols)
plot(c4sub, "neato", nodeAttrs=nA)

  graph}{visCliqueAlone}{0.45\textwidth}{two cliques}{Two cliques of size 4 found in the example network, colored with
  yellow (A4YJD4) and red (Q6NW92) individually. The two cliques share three common
  nodes, whose color is orange due to blending.}{maxClique}

In graph \Robject{xn}, \Sexpr{length(cls)} cliques are found. \Sexpr{c4} of
them is of size four, and \Sexpr{c3} of size three. Figure
\ref{maxClique} illustrate the two 4-cliques in the graph. The cliques
may be explained by functional protein complexes, and the sharing
nodes between cliques could be forming core facility of the complex.

\section{Assess reciprocity of interactions}
Bait to prey systems allow for the testing of an interaction between a
pair of proteins in two directions. If bi-directionally tested, we
anticipate the result as both positive or both negative. Failure to
attain reciprocity indicates some form of error.

Here we assess the reciprocity of the interactions in the example
network. We use the \Rfunction{assessSymmetry} function implemented in
\Rpackage{ppiStats} to access the symmetry.

<<assessSym, echo=TRUE>>=
sym <- assessSymmetry(xn, bpGraph=TRUE)

The \Robject{deg} element in the returned list is a $3 \times n$
matrix. The rows are indexed by each protein. Three columns gives the
number of reciprocated edges, unreciprocated out-edges and
unreciprocated in-edges, respectively. 

<<symStat, echo=FALSE>>=
deg <- sym[[1]]
outR <- deg[,2]==0
inR <- deg[,3]==0
nrCount <- outR & inR

Among the \Sexpr{numNodes(xn)} nodes, \Sexpr{nrCount} nodes have all
reprocated edges.\Sexpr{sum(deg[,3])} edges out of \Sexpr{numEdges(xn)}are uni-directional, that
is, may indicate some form of error.

For demonstration let us assume now all the protein in the network
have been tested twice, e.g. both as viable bait and as viable
prey. Then one could used method of moments to estimate false positive
and false negative error probablities. The model is described in the
vignette \textit{Stochastic and systematic errors in PPI data, by
  looking at unireciprocated in- or out-edges} by W.Hubaer, T.Chiang
and R.Gentleman. The estimated false positive and false negative rates
are visualized in Figure \ref{fpfn}

<<est, echo=TRUE, fig=TRUE>>=
nint <- 49:56
nrec <- sum(deg[,1])
nunr <- sum(deg[,2])
ntot <- nrow(deg)
est <- estErrProbMethodOfMoments(nint=nint, nrec=nrec, nunr=nunr, ntot=ntot)
plot(est[, c("pfp2", "pfn2")], type="l", col="orange", lwd=2,
     xlab=expression(p[FP]), ylab=expression(p[FN]), 
     xlim=c(-0.001, 0.005), ylim=c(-0.001, 0.045))
abline(h=0, v=0, lty=2)
\caption{False positive ($p_{FP}$) and false negative ($p_{FN}$) rate
  of the sample graph estimated by the method of moments. The relative
  low false positive and false negative rates can be explained by the
  fact that most edges in the example graph are reprocated.}\label{fpfn}

The estimated values of false positive ($p_{FP}$) and false negative
($p_{FN}$) rate are very small, this can be explained by the
observation that most edges in the example graph are

<<unload, echo=FALSE, results=hide>>=
%\section{Build computational interaction network with orthologues}

We have shown how to use \Rpackage{RpsiXML} package to study
protein-protein interaction data with statistical and mathematical
tools implemented in \R{R} and \R{Bioconductor} with several

This application example is dynamic, that is, we will implement new
examples or revise old ones from time to time to demonstrate the use
of package, depending on the feedback of users.

We would like to thank Wolfgang Huber, Robert Gentleman, Denise Scholtens,
Sandra Orchard, Nick Luscombe, and Li Wang for their very helpful and insightful 
comments on both the software. We would like to thank the curators of \textit{IntAct}, \textit{MINT}, \textit{DIP}, \textit{HPRD},
\textit{BioGRID}, \textit{MatrixDB}, \textit{CORUM}, and \textit{MPact} in 
working with us and by guiding us through their molecular interaction 
\section{Session Info}
The script runs within the following session:
<<sessionInfo, echo=FALSE, results=verbatim>>=
