%\VignetteIndexEntry{DEGraph: differential expression testing for gene networks}



% R part

\title{DEGraph: differential expression testing for gene networks}
\author{Laurent Jacob \and Pierre Neuvial \and Sandrine Dudoit}

  \Rpackage{DEGraph} implements recent hypothesis testing methods
  which directly assess whether a particular gene network is
  differentially expressed between two conditions. This is to be
  contrasted with the more classical two-step approaches which first
  test individual genes, then test gene sets for enrichment in
  differentially expressed genes. These recent methods take into
  account the topology of the network to yield more powerful detection
  procedures. In practice, \Rpackage{DEGraph} makes it very simple to
  test all KEGG pathways for differential expression on any gene
  expression data set and provides tools to visualize the results.

Measuring gene expressions to study a biological phenomenon or build
prognosis tools is now common practice. Technologies like DNA
microarrays or RNA-Seq allow to systematically measure the expression
of thousands of genes in a sample. Statistical univariate statistical
procedures like the t-test are then classically applied to detect
differentially expressed genes. However when analyzing this type of
data, one is very often interested in the ``systems biology'' approach
of detecting pre-defined sets of genes that are known to work together
and are significantly differentially expressed between the studied
conditions. Two paradigms have been used so far~:
\item Most approaches are two-step. They start by assessing which
  genes are differentially expressed, then test gene sets for
  enrichment in differentially expressed genes.
  % TODO: cite hypergeometric tests, gsea.
\item Some approaches directly use multivariate statistics on gene
  sets as vectors of genes to determine whether the multivariate
  expression of a gene set varies between groups of samples.
Limitations of the former approach have been widely
studied~\citep{Goeman2007Analyzing}~: that the former family of
approaches can lead to incorrect interpretations, as the sampling
units for the tests in the second step become the genes (as opposed to
the patients) and these are expected to have strongly correlated
expression measures. This suggests that direct multivariate testing of
gene set differential expression is more appropriate than posterior
aggregation of individual gene-level tests. On the other hand, while
multivariate statistics are known to perform well in small dimensions,
they lose power very quickly with increasing

At the same time, an increasing number of regulation networks are
becoming available, specifying, for example, which genes activate or
inhibit the expression of which other genes. The method implemented in
\Rpackage{DEGraph} intends to use these networks to build spaces of
lower dimension, yet retaining most of the expression shift of gene
sets. This makes the multivariate testing amenable and provably more
powerful under (partly) coherent expression shift assumption.

\section{Software features}

\Rpackage{DEGraph} offers the following functionalities:
\item[Multivariate testing] \Rpackage{DEGraph} proposes functions to
  test whether a set of genes organised in a particular network are
  differentially expressed between two conditions (according to a
  particular data set of samples).
\item[Interfacing with KEGGgraph] The package also provides functions
  to easily load a set of KEGG networks as \Robject{KEGGgraph} objects
  and systematically test each of their connected components for
  differential expression with various statistics.  
  \Rpackage{DEGraph} provides functions to
visualize tested KEGG graphs with nodes colored according to a
quantitative variable, typically the individual t-statistics or mean
difference of expression between the two conditions for each gene.

\section{Case studies}

We now show on a simple example how \Rpackage{DEGraph} can be used to
assess differential expression of some KEGG pathways using several
test statistics, compare and plot the results.

\subsection{Loading the library and the data}

We load the \Rpackage{DEGraph} package by typing or pasting the
following codes in R command line:
<<lib, echo=TRUE>>=

We then load some more libraries~:
<<morelib, echo=TRUE>>=
##library(rrcov) ## for 'T2.test'
library(fields) # For image.plot called in plotValuedGraph
verbose <- TRUE

In this example, the expression and annotation data as well as the
list of KEGG networks has been pre-stored in an \texttt{.RData} file
to avoid lengthy downloading and formatting. For examples on how to
build these variables, see the \texttt{Loi2008} demo in the package.

<<data, echo=TRUE>>=
data("Loi2008_DEGraphVignette", package="DEGraph")
classData <- classLoi2008
exprData <- exprLoi2008
annData <- annLoi2008
grList <- grListKEGG

\subsection{Hypothesis testing}

We now run several tests on the expression data restricted to the two
selected KEGG networks stored in \Robject{grListKEGG}. We start with
individual t-tests on all the genes, which will later be used for

<<ttests, echo=TRUE>>=
## Individual t-test p-values
X1 <- t(exprData[, classData==0])
X2 <- t(exprData[, classData==1])
ttpv <- c()
tts <- c()
for(i in 1:ncol(X1)) {
  tt <- t.test(X1[,i],X2[,i])
names(ttpv) <- names(tts) <- rownames(exprData)

We then run two different multivariate tests on each network:
\item Hotelling $T^2$ test, which generalizes the t-test to
  multivariate data, and does not make use of the network information.
\item Hotelling $T^2$ test in a space of lower dimension built from
  the network structure.

<<mvtests, echo=TRUE>>=
prop <- 0.2
## Multivariate tests
resList <- NULL
for (ii in seq(along=grList)) {
  gr <- grList[[ii]]
  res <- testOneGraph(gr, exprData, classData, verbose=verbose, prop=prop)
  resList <- c(resList, list(res))
resNames <- names(grList)
pLabels <- sapply(grList, attr, "label")

## get rid of NULL results (no connected component of size > 1)
isNULL <- sapply(resList, is.null)
if (sum(isNULL)) {
  resList <- resList[!isNULL]
  resNames <- names(grList)[!isNULL]
  pLabels <- pLabels[!isNULL]

resL <- sapply(resList, length)
graphNames <- rep(resNames, times=resL)
pathwayNames <- rep(pLabels, times=resL)

graphList <- NULL
for (res in resList) {
  grl <- lapply(res, FUN=function(x) {
  graphList <- c(graphList, as.list(grl))

ndims <- NULL
for (res in resList) {
  ndim <- sapply(res, FUN=function(x) {
  ndims <- c(ndims, ndim)

for (res in resList) {
  pp <- sapply(res, FUN=function(x) {
  pKEGG <- cbind(pKEGG, pp)
colnames(pKEGG) <- graphNames
rn <- rownames(pKEGG)
rownames(pKEGG)[grep("Fourier", rn)] <- paste("T2 (", round(100*prop), "% Fourier components)", sep="")

if (exists("maPalette", mode="function")) {
  pal <- maPalette(low="red", high="green", mid="black", k=100)
} else {
  pal <- heat.colors(100)
shift <- tts # Plot t-statistics
names(shift) <- translateGeneID2KEGGID(names(tts))
fSignif <- which(pKEGG[2,] < 0.05)
fSignif <- fSignif[order(pKEGG[2,fSignif])]

Finally we plot two of the tested networks along with the p-value for
differential expression for each of the two multivariate
statistics. Node colors correspond to the gene t-statistic~:

<<path1, echo=TRUE, fig=FALSE>>=
gIdx <- fSignif[1]
gr <- graphList[[gIdx]]
mm <- match(translateKEGGID2GeneID(nodes(gr)), rownames(annData))
dn <- annData[mm, "NCBI.gene.symbol"]
res <- plotValuedGraph(gr, values=shift, nodeLabels=dn, qMax=0.95, colorPalette=pal, height=40, lwd=1, cex=0.3, verbose=verbose)
stext(side=3, pos=0, pathwayNames[gIdx])
ps <- signif(pKEGG[, gIdx],2)
txt1 <- paste("p(T2)=", ps[1], sep="")
txt2 <- paste("p(T2F[", ndims[gIdx], "])=", ps[2], sep="")
txt <- paste(txt1, txt2, sep="\n")
stext(side=3, pos=1, txt)
image.plot(legend.only=TRUE, zlim=range(res$breaks), col=pal, legend.shrink=0.3, legend.width=0.8, legend.lab="t-scores", legend.mar=3.3) 

<<path2, echo=TRUE, fig=FALSE>>=
gIdx <- fSignif[5]
gr <- graphList[[gIdx]]
mm <- match(translateKEGGID2GeneID(nodes(gr)), rownames(annData))
dn <- annData[mm, "NCBI.gene.symbol"]
res <- plotValuedGraph(gr, values=shift, nodeLabels=dn, qMax=0.95, colorPalette=pal, height=40, lwd=1, cex=0.3, verbose=verbose)
stext(side=3, pos=0, pathwayNames[gIdx])
ps <- signif(pKEGG[, gIdx],2)
txt1 <- paste("p(T2)=", ps[1], sep="")
txt2 <- paste("p(T2F[", ndims[gIdx], "])=", ps[2], sep="")
txt <- paste(txt1, txt2, sep="\n")
stext(side=3, pos=1, txt)
image.plot(legend.only=TRUE, zlim=range(res$breaks), col=pal, legend.shrink=0.3, legend.width=0.8, legend.lab="t-scores", legend.mar=3.3) 

\caption{Pathway 1.}

\caption{Pathway 2.}

