\name{yaqc.affy} \alias{yaqc.affy} \alias{yaqc} \alias{yaqc-methods} \alias{yaqc-method} \alias{method:yaqc} \alias{yaqc,eSet-method} \alias{yaqc,ExpressionSet-method} \alias{yaqc,AffyBatch-method} \title{'YAQCStats' constructor} \description{Generate YAQC metrics for Affymetrix data.} \details{ Affymetrix recommends a set of quality control metrics to check the quality of GeneChips expression arrays. This function applies the guidelines described in the Affymetrix Microarray Quality Control Consortium (MAQC) protocols to asses the succes of the hybridization. See the package vignette for more details. This function takes a raw (unnormalised) \code{AffyBatch} object or an \code{ExpressionSet} object. In the first case, it computes MAS5 intensity values, expression calls(see \code{call.exprs}) and other quality-related metrics to generate an YAQCStats. If an \code{ExpressionSet} object is provided, only the \eqn{\beta}-actin, GAPDH and internal control values are computed. } \usage{ yaqc.affy(object, myYaqcControlProbes=NULL, alphas=NULL, tgt=100, tau=0.015, logged, verbose) } \arguments{ \item{object}{a object of type \code{AffyBatch} or \code{ExpressionSet}.} \item{myYaqcControlProbes}{ an object of type \code{YaqcControlProbes}. If none is supplied (default behaviour), the control probes are selected automatically. See the \code{YaqcControlProbes} class for more details \code{probeSelectionInterface} to generate such an object.} \item{alphas}{a numeric of length 2 with the alpha1 and alpha2 values. Alpha1 and alpha2 are thresholds used to define if a given probe shoudl be called present (p