\name{getBioProbes} \alias{getBioProbes} \title{ Get the names of the Bio spike probes on the array } \description{ This function returns all the AFFX-Bio probes names that are located on the given GeneChip. } \usage{ getBioProbes(object,onlyFirst) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object of type \code{"AffyBatch"} or \code{"ExpressionSet"}} \item{onlyFirst}{ Boolean defining of only first or all instances found should be returned. Default is set to TRUE. Warnings are returned if more than one probe is found. The function stops with an error if no probe is found.} } \value{ An object of type \code{"character"} with the Affymetrix hybridation (bio) probe names for the given chip type. } \examples{ ## load a dataset library(affydata) data(Dilution) getBioProbes(Dilution) } \seealso{getSpikeProbes,getRatioProbes} \author{ Laurent Gatto } \keyword{ misc }