\name{pcaplot-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{pcaplot-methods} \alias{pcaplot} \title{PCA Plot} \description{ This function produces a PCA plot of the first two principle components. \emph{Usage} \code{ pcaplot(x, which = "UnitName", transfo = log2, method = "none", groups = NULL, screeplot = FALSE, squarepca = FALSE, pcs = c(1,2), add.labels = FALSE, add.legend = FALSE, col = NULL, names = "namepart", as.list = FALSE, ...) } } \arguments{ \item{x}{object of class \code{\link{ExprTreeSet}}.} \item{which}{type of probes to be used, for details see \code{\link{validData}}.} \item{transfo}{a valid function to transform the data, usually \dQuote{log2}, or \dQuote{0}.} \item{method}{a character string indicating which correlation coefficient is to be computed. One of \dQuote{pearson}, \dQuote{spearman}, \dQuote{kendall}, or \dQuote{none}.} \item{groups}{character \code{vector} listing the group names in order of the \code{names}.} \item{screeplot}{logical, if TRUE plot a \code{\link[stats]{screeplot}} instead of a PCA plot.} \item{squarepca}{logical, if TRUE make the y-axis of the PCA plot comparable to the x-axis.} \item{pcs}{a character \code{vector} of length two indicating which principal components to plot.} \item{add.labels}{logical, if TRUE then name labels will be added to the points.} \item{add.legend}{logical, if TRUE and \code{groups} are supplied then a legend indicating the groups will be drawn. Optionally, a character indicating the position of the legend, default is \dQuote{topleft}.} \item{col}{vector of colors for plot, length is number of samples.} \item{names}{optional vector of sample names.} \item{as.list}{logical, if TRUE then a \code{list} will be returned in addition to the plot.} \item{\dots}{optional arguments to be passed to \code{plot}.} } \details{ Function \code{pcaplot} produces a PCA plot of the first two principle components for slot \code{data} or the correlations between the columns of slot \code{data}, respectively, of an object of class \code{\link{ExprTreeSet}}. For \code{method="none"} function \code{[stats]prcomp} will be applied to slot \code{data} directly, otherwise \code{prcomp} will be applied to \code{(1 - cor(data))} with the respective \code{method}. For \code{screeplot=TRUE} a \code{\link[stats]{screeplot}} will be plotted instead of a PCA plot. For \code{names=NULL} full column names of slot \code{data} will be displayed while for \code{names="namepart"} column names will be displayed without name extension. If \code{names} is a vector of column names, only these columns will displayed as mvaplot. } \value{ None by default. Optionally, for \code{as.list=TRUE} a \code{list} will be returned with the components \code{sdev} and \code{rotation}, see \code{[stats]prcomp}. } \author{Christian Stratowa, partly adapted from function plotPCA() of package affycoretools} \seealso{\code{\link{corplot}}, \code{\link{madplot}}} \keyword{methods}