\name{borderplot-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{borderplot-methods} \alias{borderplot} \title{Plots of Border Elements} \description{ Produce box-and-whisker plot(s) of the positive and negative feature intensities. \emph{Usage} \code{ borderplot(x, type = c("pos", "neg"), qualopt = "raw", transfo = log2, range = 0, names = "namepart", ylim = NULL, bmar = NULL, las = 2, ...) } } \arguments{ \item{x}{object of class \code{\link{QualTreeSet}}.} \item{type}{type of border elements to be used, one of \dQuote{pos}, \dQuote{neg}, or both.} \item{qualopt}{character string specifying whether to draw boxplots for \dQuote{raw}, \dQuote{adjusted}, or \dQuote{normalized} border intensities.} \item{transfo}{a valid function to transform the data, usually \dQuote{log2}, or \dQuote{0}.} \item{range}{determines how far the plot whiskers extend out from the box.} \item{names}{optional vector of sample names.} \item{ylim}{the y limits of the plot.} \item{bmar}{optional \code{list} for bottom margin and axis label magnification \code{cex.axis}.} \item{las}{the style of axis labels.} \item{\dots}{optional arguments to be passed to \code{borderplot}.} } \details{ Creates a boxplot of the positive and negative feature intensities for an object of class \code{\link{QualTreeSet}}. For \code{names=NULL} full tree names will be displayed while for \code{names="namepart"} tree names will be displayed without name extension. If \code{names} is a vector of tree names, only these columns will displayed as boxplot. For \code{bmar=NULL} the default list \code{bmar = list(b=6, cex.axis=1.0)} will be used initially. However, both bottom margin \code{b} and axis label magnification \code{cex.axis} will be adjusted depending on the number of label characters and the number of samples. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \seealso{\code{\link{coiplot}}, \code{\link{boxplot}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ ## border intensities, created by e.g. rmaPLM() getTreeNames(rootFile(rlm.all), treetype="brd") borderplot(rlm.all) borderplot(rlm.all, type="pos") borderplot(rlm.all, type="neg") } } \keyword{methods}