\name{forestplot.surv} \alias{forestplot.surv} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Forest plots enables to display performance estimates of survival models} \description{ Draw a forest plot together with a table of text. } \usage{ forestplot.surv(labeltext, mean, lower, upper, align = NULL, is.summary = FALSE, clip = c(-Inf, Inf), xlab = "", zero = 0, graphwidth = unit(2, "inches"), col = meta.colors(), xlog = FALSE, box.size = NULL, x.ticks = NULL, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{labeltext}{Matrix of strings or \code{NA}s for blank spaces } \item{mean}{Vector of centers of confidence intervals (or \code{NA}s for blank space) } \item{lower}{Vector of lower ends of confidence intervals } \item{upper}{Vector of upper ends of confidence intervals } \item{align}{Vector giving alignment (\code{l},\code{r},\code{c}) for columns of table } \item{is.summary}{Vector of logicals. Summary lines have bold text and diamond confidence intervals.} \item{clip}{Lower and upper limits for clipping confidence intervals to arrows } \item{xlab}{x-axis label } \item{zero}{x-axis coordinate for zero line } \item{graphwidth}{Width of confidence interval graph } \item{col}{See \code{\link[rmeta]{meta.colors}}} \item{xlog}{If \code{TRUE}, x-axis tick marks are exponentiated} \item{box.size}{Override the default box size based on precision} \item{x.ticks}{Optional user-specified x-axis tick marks. Specify \code{NULL} to use the defaults, \code{numeric(0)} to omit the x-axis.} \item{\dots}{Not used.} } \details{ This function is more flexible than \code{\link[rmeta]{metaplot}} and the \code{plot} methods for meta-analysis objects, but requires more work by the user. In particular, it allows for a table of text, and clips confidence intervals to arrows when they exceed specified limits. } \value{ None } \references{ rmeta package, CRAN, Thomas Lumley . Functions for simple fixed and random effects meta-analysis for two-sample comparisons and cumulative meta-analyses. Draws standard summary plots, funnel plots, and computes summaries and tests for association and heterogeneity. } \seealso{\code{metaplot}, \code{forestplot}} \examples{ ## } \keyword{hplot}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS