\name{snpStats-package} \alias{snpStats-package} \alias{snpStats} \docType{package} \title{ SnpMatrix and XSnpMatrix classes and methods } \description{ Classes and statistical methods for large SNP association studies, extending the snpMatrix package } \details{ This package extends the \code{snpMatrix} package allowing for uncertainty in genotype assignments, for example, as consequence of imputation. It provides most of the functionality of \code{snpMatrix}, although it currently lacks a few of the functions. It is intended that the most important of these will be provided in the near future. It also includes some novel commands. Note that the \code{snpMatrix} classes have been renamed and, in two cases, changed slightly. For more details, see the "differences" vignette. Further development of the snpMatrix project by this developer will take place entirely within \code{snpStats}. \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab snpStats\cr Version: \tab 1.1.17\cr Date: \tab 2011-04-12\cr Depends: \tab R(>= 2.3.0), survival, methods, Matrix\cr Imports: \tab graphics, grDevices, methods, stats, survival, utils, Matrix\cr Suggests: \tab hexbin\cr License: \tab GPL-3\cr URL: \tab http://www-gene.cimr.cam.ac.uk/clayton\cr Collate: \tab ss.R contingency.table.R convert.R glm-test.R imputation.R indata.R misc.R ld.R mvtests.R pedfile.R outdata.R plink.R qc.R qq-chisq.R single.R tdt-single.R structure.R xstuff.R zzz.R\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr biocViews: \tab Microarray, SNP, GeneticVariability\cr Packaged: \tab 2011-02-14 16:59:36 UTC; david\cr Built: \tab R 2.12.2; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; 2011-04-12 07:41:59 UTC; unix\cr } Index: \preformatted{ Fst Calculate fixation indices GlmEstimates-class Class "GlmEstimates" GlmTests-class Classes "GlmTests" and "GlmTestsScore" ImputationRules-class Class "ImputationRules" SingleSnpTests-class Classes "SingleSnpTests" and "SingleSnpTestsScore" SnpMatrix-class Class "SnpMatrix" XSnpMatrix-class Class "XSnpMatrix" chi.squared Extract test statistics and p-values convert.snpMatrix Convert 'snpMatrix' objects to 'snpStats' objects example-new An example of intensity data for SNP genotyping families Test data for family association tests filter.rules Filter a set of imputation rules for.exercise Data for exercise in use of the snpStats package glm.test.control Set up control object for GLM tests imputation.maf Extract statistics from imputation rules impute.snps Impute snps ld Pairwise linkage disequilibrium measures ld.example Datasets to illustrate calculation of linkage disequilibrium ststistics misinherits Find non-Mendelian inheritances in family data mvtests Multivariate SNP tests plotUncertainty Plot posterior probabilities of genotype assignment pool Pool test results from several studies or sub-studies pool2 Pool results of tests from two independent datasets qq.chisq Quantile-quantile plot for chi-squared tests read.beagle Read genotypes imputed by the BEAGLE program read.impute Read genotypes imputed by the IMPUTE2 program read.mach Read genotypes imputed by the MACH program read.pedfile Read a pedfile as '"SnpMatrix"' object read.plink Read a PLINK binary data file as a SnpMatrix read.snps.long Read SNP data in long format row.summary Summarize rows or columns of a snp matrix sample.info Sample datasets to illustrate data input single.snp.tests 1-df and 2-df tests for genetic associations with SNPs (or imputed SNPs) snp.cbind Bind together two or more SnpMatrix objects snp.cor Correlations with columns of a SnpMatrix snp.imputation Calculate imputation rules snp.lhs.estimates Logistic regression with SNP genotypes as dependent variable snp.lhs.tests Score tests with SNP genotypes as dependent variable snp.pre.multiply Pre- or post-multiply a SnpMatrix object by a general matrix snp.rhs.estimates Fit GLMs with SNP genotypes as independent variable(s) snp.rhs.tests Score tests with SNP genotypes as independent variable snpStats-package SnpMatrix and XSnpMatrix classes and methods switch.alleles Switch alleles in columns of a SnpMatrix or in test results tdt.snp 1-df and 2-df tests for genetic associations with SNPs (or imputed SNPs) in family data test.allele.switch Test for switch of alleles between two collections testdata Test data for the snpStats package write.SnpMatrix Write a SnpMatrix object as a text file write.plink Write files for analysis in the PLINK toolset xxt X.X-transpose for a standardized SnpMatrix } Further information is available in the following vignettes: \tabular{ll}{ \code{data-input-vignette} \tab Data input (source, pdf)\cr \code{differences} \tab snpMatrix-differences (source, pdf)\cr \code{imputation-vignette} \tab Imputation and meta-analysis (source, pdf)\cr \code{ld-vignette} \tab LD statistics (source, pdf)\cr \code{pca-vignette} \tab Principal components analysis (source, pdf)\cr \code{snpStats-vignette} \tab snpStats introduction (source, pdf)\cr \code{tdt-vignette} \tab TDT tests (source, pdf)\cr } } \author{ David Clayton \email{david.clayton@cimr.cam.ac.uk} Maintainer: David Clayton \email{david.clayton@cimr.cam.ac.uk} } \keyword{ package }