\name{snp.cor} \alias{snp.cor} \title{Correlations with columns of a SnpMatrix} \description{ This function calculates Pearson correlation coefficients between columns of a \code{SnpMatrix} and columns of an ordinary matrix. The two matrices must have the same number of rows. All valid pairs are used in the computation of each correlation coefficient. } \usage{ snp.cor(x, y, uncertain = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An \var{N} by \var{M} \code{SnpMatrix}} \item{y}{An \var{N} by \var{P} general matrix} \item{uncertain}{If \code{TRUE}, uncertain genotypes are replaced by posterior expectations. Otherwise these are treated as missing values} } \details{ This can be used together with \code{\link{xxt}} and \code{\link[base]{eigen}} to calculate standardized loadings in the principal components } \value{ An \var{M} by \var{P} matrix of correlation coefficients } \author{David Clayton \email{david.clayton@cimr.cam.ac.uk}} \note{ This version cannot handle X chromosomes } \seealso{\code{\link{xxt}}} \examples{ # make a SnpMatrix with a small number of rows data(testdata) small <- Autosomes[1:100,] # Calculate the X.X-transpose matrix xx <- xxt(small, correct.for.missing=TRUE) # Calculate the principal components pc <- eigen(xx, symmetric=TRUE)$vectors # Calculate the loadings in first 10 components */ loadings <- snp.cor(small, pc[,1:10]) } \keyword{array} \keyword{multivariate}