\name{row.summary} \alias{row.summary} \alias{col.summary} \title{Summarize rows or columns of a snp matrix} \description{ These function calculates summary statistics of each row or column of call rates and heterozygosity for each row of a an object of class \code{"SnpMatrix"} or \code{"XSnpMatrix"} } \usage{ row.summary(object) col.summary(object, rules = NULL, uncertain = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{genotype data as a \code{\link{SnpMatrix-class}} or \code{\link{XSnpMatrix-class}} object} \item{rules}{An object of class \code{"ImputationRules"}. If supplied, the rules coded in this object are used, together with the snp genotype data in \code{object}, to generate imputed SNPs. The column summary of these imputed data are then returned} \item{uncertain}{If \code{TRUE} uncertain genotypes are used in calculation of allele and genotype frequencies (by scoring as posterior expectations). Otherwise, and for Hardy-Weinberg tests, they are ignored} } \value{ \item{row.summary}{ returns a data frame with rows corresponding to rows of the input object and with columns/elements: \itemize{ \item Call.rate: Proportion of SNPs called \item Certain.calls: Proportion of called SNPs with certain calls \item Heterozygosity: Proportion of called SNPs which are heterozygous } Uncertain calls are ignored for calculating the heterozygosity. } \item{col.summary}{ returns a data frame with rows corresponding to columns of the input object and with columns/elements: \itemize{ \item Calls: The number of valid calls \item Call.rate: The proportion of genotypes called \item Certain.calls: Proportion of called SNPs with certain calls \item RAF: The "risk" allele (allele \code{B}) frequency \item MAF: The minor allele frequency \item P.AA: The frequency of homozygous genotype 1 (A/A) \item P.AB: The frequency of heterozygous genotype 2 (A/B) \item P.BB: The frequency of homozygous genotype 3 (B/B) \item z.HWE: A z-test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium } For objects of class \code{"XSnpMatrix"}, the following additional columns are returned: \itemize{ \item P.AY: The frequency of allele A in males \item P.BY: The frequency of allele B in males \item Calls.female: The number of valid calls in females (only these calls are used in the z-test for HWE) } } } \note{The current version of \code{row.summary} does not deal with the X chromosome differently, so that males are counted as homozygous.} \author{David Clayton \email{david.clayton@cimr.cam.ac.uk}} \examples{ data(testdata) rs <- row.summary(Autosomes) summary(rs) cs <- col.summary(Autosomes) summary(cs) cs <- col.summary(Xchromosome) summary(cs) } \keyword{utilities}