\name{imputation.maf} \alias{can.impute} \alias{imputation.maf} \alias{imputation.r2} \alias{imputation.nsnp} \title{Extract statistics from imputation rules} \description{ These functions extract key characteristics of regression-based imputation rules stored as an object of class \code{"ImputationRules"}. \code{imputation.maf} extracts the minor allele frequencies of the imputed SNPs and \code{imputation.r2} extracts the prediction \eqn{R^2}. } \usage{ can.impute(rules) imputation.maf(rules) imputation.r2(rules) imputation.nsnp(rules) } \arguments{ \item{rules}{An object of class \code{"ImputationRules"}} } \details{\code{can.impute} returns a logical vector identifying which rules allow a valid imputation. \code{imputation.maf} and \code{imputation.r2} extract the minor allele frequencies of the imputed SNPs and the \eqn{R^2} for prediction achieved when building each rule. \code{imputation.nsnp} returns the numbers of SNPs used in each imputation} \value{ Either a logical vector, or a numeric vector containing the extracted values } \author{David Clayton \email{david.clayton@cimr.cam.ac.uk}} \seealso{\code{\link{ImputationRules-class}}, \code{\link{snp.imputation}}} \examples{ # These functions are currently defined as function (rules) sapply(rules, function(x) x$maf) function (rules) sapply(rules, function(x) x$r2) } \keyword{manip}