\name{example-new} \alias{example-new} \docType{data} \title{ An example of intensity data for SNP genotyping } \description{ The file \code{example-new.txt} contains some signal intensity data for testing and comparing genotype scoring algorithms } \format{ This is a text file containing data on 99 SNPs for 1550 DNA samples. One line of data appears for each SNP, starting with the SNP name and followed by 1550 pairs of intensity values. There is a header line containing variable names, with intensities labelled as \code{xxxxA} and \code{xxxxB}, where \code{xxxx} is the sample name. } \details{ See the package vignette "Comparing clustering algorithms". } \source{These data were originally distributed with the "Illuminus" genotype scoring software from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute: \url{http://www.sanger.ac.uk/resources/software/illuminus/} } \keyword{datasets}