\name{bam2sig} \alias{bam2sig} \title{ bam2sig - encapsulated pipeline of finding significant expression } \description{ Reads BAM files according to annotation and produces output table processed with DESeq negative binomial test. } \usage{ bam2sig(annot, covdesc="covdesc", species="homo_sapiens") } \arguments{ \item{annot}{Character table or data frame with colums: chr, start, end, strand, name } \item{covdesc}{Name of the file that includes BAM files (experiment description file) } \item{species}{Species name - needed for .chr.convert function - to match BAM and annotation chromosome names } } \value{ Output table with significant expression results, as from DESeq } \author{ Michal Okoniewski, Anna Lesniewska } \examples{ if (xmapConnected()) { all.g <- all.genes(as.vector=F) ss <- sample(1:20000, 10) genes <- as.data.frame(all.g[ss,]) genes <- cbind(as.vector(genes[,"stable_id"]), as.vector(genes[,"space"]), as.vector(genes[,"start"]), as.vector(genes[,"end"]) ,as.vector(genes[,"strand"])) colnames(genes) <- c("name", "chr", "start", "end", "strand") deseqRes <- bam2sig() deseqRes[1:10,] } }