\name{plotQuals-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{plotQuals} \alias{plotQuals-methods} \title{Plot a Base Quality Boxplot by Position} \description{ \code{plotQuals} plots quality statistics by position. Optionally, it adds a lowess curve through the qualities, which is fit with data randomly drawn from the distribution of qualities at each position. A histogram of the sequence length distribution is plotted above the quality plot when \code{histogram} is \code{TRUE}. A legend is plotted on the bottom left if \code{legend} is \code{TRUE} (this location is used because this where the bases are likely to be of highest quality, and thus not overlap the legend). The grey lines indicate the range of the 10\% and 90\% quantiles, the orange lines indicate the range of the 25\% and 75\% quartiles, the blue point is the median, the green dash is the mean, and the purple line is the lowess curve if \code{lowess} is \code{TRUE}. } \usage{ plotQuals(obj, ylim='relative', lowess=TRUE, histogram=TRUE, legend=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{an S4 object of class \code{FASTQSummary} from \code{readSeqFile}.} \item{ylim}{either `relative' or `fixed', which will scale the y axis to either the relative range (from the data) or absolute range of qualities.} \item{lowess}{a logical value indicating whether to fit a lowess curve through the quality plot.} \item{histogram}{a logical value indicating whether to add a histogram of the sequence length distribution above the quality plot.} \item{legend}{a logical value indicating whether a legend is to be included.} } \author{Vince Buffalo } \examples{ ## Load a FASTQ file, with sequence hashing. s.fastq <- readSeqFile(system.file('extdata', 'test.fastq', package='qrqc')) ## Plot Qualities plotQuals(s.fastq) } \keyword{graphics} \keyword{methods}