\name{plotBases-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{plotBases} \alias{plotBases-methods} \title{Plot Bases by Position} \description{ \code{plotBases} plots the frequency or proportion of bases by position in the read. \code{plotBases} uses the Sanger base color scheme: blue is Cytosine, green is Adenine, black is Guanine, red is Thymine, and purple in N (any base). Other IUPAC nucleotides are colored using \pkg{RColorBrewer}. } \usage{ plotBases(obj, type="freq", bases=NULL, legend=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{an S4 object of class that inherits from \code{\linkS4class{SequenceSummary}} (either \code{\linkS4class{FASTASummary}} or \code{\linkS4class{FASTQSummary}}) from \code{readSeqFile}.} \item{type}{a character string that is either "freq" or "prop" indicating whether to plot frequencies or proportions on the y-axis.} \item{bases}{a vector of characters indicating which bases to include. The default value \code{NULL} indicates to plot _all_ bases.} \item{legend}{a logical value indicating whether to include a legend on the top right.} } \author{Vince Buffalo } \examples{ ## Load a FASTQ file, with sequence hashing. s.fastq <- readSeqFile(system.file('extdata', 'test.fastq', package='qrqc')) ## Plot base frequencies plotBases(s.fastq, type="freq") ## Plot base proportions plotBases(s.fastq, type="prop") } \keyword{graphics}