\name{smoothCoxph} \alias{smoothCoxph} \title{ Plots the Cox proportional hazard smoothed by gene expression level. } \description{ Builds a plot showing how hazard behaves over different levels of expression of a given gene. Confidence intervals are also provided. } \usage{ smoothCoxph(time, event, x, xlim, ylim, ...) } \arguments{ \item{time}{variable where time to survival is stored.} \item{event}{variable where survival event is stored.} \item{x}{\code{numeric} containing the expression levels of a given gene.} \item{xlim}{\code{xlim} for the plot.} \item{ylim}{\code{ylim} for the plot.} \item{\dots}{other arguments that will be passed to plot.} } \author{ David Rossell. } \examples{ #load eset data(eset) #make plot smoothCoxph(pData(eset)$Months2Relapse,pData(eset)$Relapse,exprs(eset)[25,]) } \keyword{datasets}