\name{pAdjust} \alias{pAdjust} \title{ Adjust p values of an epheno object. } \description{ Adjusts the p values of an epheno object. The \code{p.adjust} function will be used. For more information read the \code{p.adjust} function's help. } \usage{ pAdjust(x, method = "BH") } \arguments{ \item{x}{an \code{epheno} object. } \item{method}{the correction method that will be used. Se the \code{p.adjust} help for more info about the methods.} } \examples{ #load epheno object data(epheno) epheno #Adjust pvalue p.adjust.method(epheno) epheno <- pAdjust(epheno,method='BH') p.adjust.method(epheno) } \author{ Evarist Planet }