\name{get gseaSignatures' elements} \alias{getEs} \alias{getEsSim} \alias{getFcHr} \docType{data} \title{ Substract element's of a gseaSignaturesSign or gseaSignaturesVar object (obtained using the gseaSignatures function). } \description{ getEs returns ES (enrichment scores) getEsNes returns simulated ES (needed to compute pvals) and getFcHr returns the fold changes or hazard ratios used to compute the ES and simulated ES. } \usage{ getEs(x) getEsSim(x) getFcHr(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ an \code{gseaSignaturesSign} or \code{gseaSignaturesVar} object. Those objects are obtained using the \code{gseaSignatures} function.} } \keyword{datasets} \author{ Evarist Planet }