\name{getters for the epheno object} \alias{getFc} \alias{getHr} \alias{getMeans} \alias{getPvals} \alias{getSummaryDif} \alias{logFcHr} \alias{p.adjust.method} \alias{phenoClass} \alias{phenoNames} \docType{data} \title{ Getters for the epheno object: } \description{ \code{getFc} gets the fold changes. \code{getHr} gets the hazard ratios. \code{getMeans} gets the means. \code{getPvals} gets the p values. \code{getSummaryDif} gets fold changes and hazard ratios. \code{lofFcHr} gets the fold changes and hazard ratios after log scaling. \code{p.adjust.method} gets the p value adjustment method that was used when creating the object. \code{phenoClass} returns a data.frame telling the class (ordinal, continuous, categorical or survival) of each phenotype. \code{phenoNames} gets the phenotype names. } \usage{ getFc(x) getHr(x) getMeans(x) getPvals(x) getSummaryDif(x) logFcHr(x) p.adjust.method(x) phenoClass(x) phenoNames(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ \code{epheno} object} } \keyword{datasets} \author{ Evarist Planet }