\name{order.responses} \alias{order.responses} \title{ order.responses } \description{ Orders the responses by association strength (enrichment score) to a given factor level. } \usage{ %order.responses(model, phenodata, which.factor, which.level, method = "hypergeometric") order.responses(model, sample, method = "hypergeometric") } \arguments{ \item{model}{ NetResponseModel object. } % \item{phenodata}{ phenoData as in AffyBatch objects. A data frame of samples x factors.} % \item{which.factor}{ Specify the factor to investigate. } % \item{which.level}{ Which factor level to investigate. } \item{sample}{Measure enrichment of this sample (set) across the observed responses.} \item{method}{ 'hypergeometric' measures enrichment of factor levels in this response; 'precision' measures response purity for each factor level; 'dependency' measures logarithm of the joint density between response and factor level vs. their marginal densities: log(P(r,s)/(P(r)P(s)))} } %\details{} \value{ A data frame with elements 'ordered.responses' which gives a data frame of responses ordered by enrichment score for the investigated sample. The subnetwork, response id and enrichment score are shown. The method field indicates the enrichment calculation method. The sample field lists the samples et for which the enrichments were calculated. } \references{ See citation("netresponse") for citation details. } \author{ Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@iki.fi}} \note{ Tools for analyzing end results of the model. } %\seealso{\code{\link{order.samples}}} \examples{ # - for given sample/s (factor level), order responses (across all subnets) by association strength (enrichment score) #order.responses(model, sample, method = "hypergeometric") # overrepresentation } \keyword{ utilities }