\name{mcaGUI} \alias{mcaGUI} \alias{pmg.add} \alias{pmg.gw} \alias{pmg.addMenubar} \alias{pmg.eval} \title{A function to start the ibest GUI} \description{ The mcaGUI is a simple GUI for R using RGtk2 as the graphical toolkit. The GUI is written using the \code{gWidgets} interface to a toolkit. } \usage{ mcaGUI(cliType="console", width=850, height=.75*width,guiToolkit="RGtk2") pmg.add(widget,label) pmg.gw(lst, label=NULL) pmg.addMenubar(menulist) pmg.eval(command, assignto=NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{cliType}{Where to send output of function called within ibestGUI function? This can be either "console" to put output into console that called ibestGUI, or "GUI" to put output into a widget.} \item{width}{Width in pixels of initial window} \item{height}{height in pixels of initial window} \item{guiToolkit}{Specify toolkit to use with gWidgets} \item{widget}{A gWidgets widget to add to the main notebook for holding dialogs} \item{label}{A string containing a label to put on the tab when adding a widget to the main notebook for holding dialogs} \item{lst}{A value passed to \code{ggenericwidget}. Can be a list, a function name or a function} \item{menulist}{A list passed to \code{gmenu} for adding to the menubar} \item{command}{A string containing a command to be parsed and evaluated in the global environement} \item{assignto}{If non-NULL, a variable name to assign the output generated from evaluating the command} } \details{ The user can add to the menubar at start up time by defining a list that is called by \code{gmenu}. IBESTgui look for a variable \code{pmg.user.menu}. This is a list with named components. Each name becomes the menubar entry top level, and each component is called by \code{gmenu} to populate the menubar entry. The functions \code{pmg.add}, \code{pmg.gw}, \code{pmg.addMenubar}, and \code{pmg.eval} are used to extend the GUI. \describe{ \item{pmg.add}{This is used to add a widget to the main notebook containing the dialogs} \item{pmg.gw}{This is used to add a \code{ggenericwidget} instance to the main notebook containing the dialogs. These widgets can be generated from a function name using the values from \code{formals}} \item{pmg.addMenubar}{Used to add top-level entries to the main menubar} \item{pmg.eval}{Used to send a command, as a string, to the Commands area to be evaluated. Evaluation is done in the global environment.} } } %%\value{} \author{Origian function John Verzani with modifications by Wade K. Copeland} \examples{ \dontrun{ ## this restarts the GUI if the main window has been closed mcaGUI() } } \keyword{ interface }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS