\name{lmMatrixFit} \alias{lmMatrixFit} \title{ Multiple lm fit for penalized regressions } \description{ Refit the regressions given matrices of responses, predictors, and the coefficients/interactions matrix. This is typically used after the lasso, since the coefficients were shrinked. } \usage{ lmMatrixFit(y, x = NULL, mat, th = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{y}{ Input response matrix, typically expression data with genes/variables in columns and samples/measurements in rows. Or when input x is NULL, y should be an object of two lists: y: expression data and x: copy number data } \item{x}{ Input predictor matrix, typically copy number data, genes/predictors in columns and samples/measurements in rows. Can be NULL } \item{mat}{ Coefficient matrix, number of columns is the number of predictors (y) and number of rows is the number of responses (x) } \item{th}{ The threshold to use in order to determine which coefficients are non-zero, so the corresponding predictors are used } } \value{ \item{coefMat}{A coefficient matrix, rows are responses and columns are predictors} \item{resMat}{A residual matrix, each row is the residuals of a response.} \item{pvalMat}{Matrix of p-values for each coefficients} } \author{ Yinyin Yuan } \seealso{ lm, matrixLasso } \examples{ data(chin07) data <- list(y=t(chin07$ge), x=t(chin07$cn)) res <- matrixLasso(data, method='cv', nFold=5) res res.lm <- lmMatrixFit(y=data, mat=abs(res$coefMat), th=0.01) res.lm }