\name{lasso.multiSplit} \alias{lasso.multiSplit} \title{ Multi-split lasso } \description{ Multi-split lasso as described in Meinshausen 2009 } \usage{ lasso.multiSplit(y, x=NULL, lambda1=NULL, nSubsampling=200, model='linear', alpha=0.05, gamma.min=0.05, gamma.max=0.95, track=FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{y}{A vector of gene expression of a probe, or a list object if x is NULL. In the latter case y should a list of two components y and x, y is a vector of expression and x is a matrix containing copy number variables} \item{x}{Either a matrix containing CN variables or NULL} \item{nSubsampling}{number of splits, default to 200} \item{model}{which model to use, one of "cox", "logistic", "linear", or "poisson". Default to 'linear'} \item{alpha}{specify significant level to determine the non-zero coefficients in the range of 0 and 1, default to 0.05} \item{gamma.min}{ the lower bound of gamma } \item{gamma.max}{ the higher bound of gamma } \item{lambda1}{ minimum lambda to be used, if known } \item{track}{ track progress} \item{\dots}{ other parameters to be passed to lass.cv} } \details{ This function performs the multi-split lasso as proposed by Meinshausen et al. 2009. The samples are first randomly split into two disjoint sets, one of which is used to find non-zero coefficients with a regular lasso regression, then these non-zero coefficients are fitted to another sample set with OLS. The resulting p-values after multiple runs can then be aggregated using quantiles. } \value{ A list object of class 'lol', consisting of: \item{beta}{coefficients} \item{mat}{the Q_gamma matrix as described in the paper} \item{residuals}{residuals, here is only the input y} \item{pmat}{the adjusted p matrix as described in the paper} } \references{ Nicolai Meinshausen, Lukas Meier and Peter Buehlmann (2009), P-values for high-dimensional regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 104, 1671-1681. } \author{ Yinyin Yuan } \seealso{ lasso } \examples{ data(chin07) data <- list(y=chin07$ge[1,], x=t(chin07$cn)) res <- lasso.multiSplit(data, nSubsampling=50) res }