\name{getLambdaNcoef} \alias{getLambdaNcoef} \title{ get the lambda value that yield certain number of non-zero coefficients} \description{ get the lambda value that yield certain number of non-zero coefficients } \usage{ getLambdaNcoef(y, x, lambda1, nCoef, track=FALSE, model='linear', standardize=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{y}{A vector of expressions} \item{x}{a matrix of CN variables} \item{lambda1}{ minimum lambda to use} \item{nCoef}{ the number of coefficients to get} \item{track}{ logical value for tracking the progress} \item{model}{which model to use, default to 'linear' } \item{standardize}{ standardize the data or not } } \value{ \item{lambda}{The lambda value that gives approximate same number of non-zero coefficients as required} } \author{ Yinyin Yuan } \seealso{ lasso } \examples{ data(chin07) data <- list(y=chin07$ge[1,], x=t(chin07$cn)) getLambdaNcoef(data$y, data$x, lambda1=.1, nCoef=10, track=TRUE) }