\title{Individual-channel Densities Plot} \name{plotDensities} \alias{plotDensities} \description{ Plots the densities of individual-channel intensities for two-color microarray data. } \usage{ plotDensities(object, log=TRUE, arrays=NULL, singlechannels=NULL, groups=NULL, col=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an \code{RGList} or \code{MAList} object. \code{RGList} objects containing logged or unlogged intensities can be accommodated using the \code{log.transform} argument.} \item{log}{logical, should densities be formed and plotted for the log-intensities (\code{TRUE}) or raw intensities (\code{FALSE})?} \item{arrays}{vector of integers giving the arrays from which the individual-channels will be selected to be plotted. Corresponds to columns of \code{M} and \code{A} (or \code{R} and \code{G}). Defaults to all arrays.} \item{singlechannels}{vector of integers indicating which individual-channels will be selected to be plotted. Values correspond to the columns of the matrix of \code{cbind(R,G)} and range between \code{1:ncol(R)} for red channels and \code{( (ncol(R)+1):(ncol(R)+ncol(G)) )} for the green channels in \code{object}. Defaults to all channels.} \item{groups}{vector of consecutive integers beginning at 1 indicating the groups of arrays or individual-channels (depending on which of \code{arrays} or \code{singlechannels} are non \code{NULL}). This is used to color any groups of the individual-channel densities. If \code{NULL} (default), \code{groups} correspond to the red and green channels. If both \code{arrays} and \code{singlechannels} are \code{NULL} all arrays are selected and groups (if specified) must correspond to the arrays.} \item{col}{vector of colors of the same length as the number of different groups. If \code{NULL} (default) the \code{col} equals \code{c("red","green")}. See details for more specifications.} } \details{ This function is used as a data display technique associated with between-array normalization, especially individual-channel normalization methods such as quantile-normalization. See the section on between-array normalization in the LIMMA User's Guide. If no \code{col} is specified, the default is to color individual channels according to red and green. If both \code{arrays} and \code{groups} are non-\code{NULL}, then the length of \code{groups} must equal the length of \code{arrays} and the maximum of \code{groups} (i.e. the number of groups) must equal the length of \code{col} otherwise the default color of black will be used for all individual-channels. If \code{arrays} is \code{NULL} and both \code{singlechannels} and \code{groups} are non-\code{NULL}, then the length of \code{groups} must equal the length of \code{singlechannels} and the maximum of \code{groups} (i.e. the number of groups) must equal the length of \code{col} otherwise the default color of black will be used for all individual-channels. } \value{A plot is created on the current graphics device.} \author{Natalie Thorne} \seealso{ An overview of diagnostic plots in LIMMA is given in \link{09.Diagnostics}. There is a section using \code{plotDensities} in conjunction with between-array normalization in the \link[=limmaUsersGuide]{LIMMA User's Guide}. } \examples{ \dontrun{ # This example is designed for work on a subset of the data # from the ApoAI case study in Limma User's Guide # This example was formerly loaded from sma package using # library(sma) # data(MouseArray) # no normalization but background correction is done MA.n <- MA.RG(mouse.data) # Default settings for plotDensities. plotDensities(MA.n) # One can reproduce the default settings. plotDensities(MA.n,arrays=c(1:6),groups=c(rep(1,6),rep(2,6)), col=c("red","green")) # Color R and G individual-channels by blue and purple. plotDensities(MA.n,arrays=NULL,groups=NULL,col=c("blue","purple")) # Indexing individual-channels using singlechannels (arrays=NULL). plotDensities(MA.n,singlechannels=c(1,2,7)) # Change the default colors from c("red","green") to c("pink","purple") plotDensities(MA.n,singlechannels=c(1,2,7),col=c("pink","purple")) # Specified too many colors since groups=NULL defaults to two groups. plotDensities(MA.n,singlechannels=c(1,2,7),col=c("pink","purple","blue")) # Three individual-channels, three groups, three colors. plotDensities(MA.n,singlechannels=c(1,2,7),groups=c(1,2,3), col=c("pink","purple","blue")) # Three individual-channels, one group, one color. plotDensities(MA.n,singlechannels=c(1,2,7),groups=c(1,1,1), col=c("purple")) # All individual-channels, three groups (ctl,tmt,reference), three colors. plotDensities(MA.n,singlechannels=c(1:12), groups=c(rep(1,3),rep(2,3),rep(3,6)),col=c("darkred","red","green")) } } \keyword{hplot}