\name{scanInv} \alias{scanInv} \title{ Inversion scan } \description{ This function scans a whole chromosome in search for inversion events. The scan is done by fitting an inversion model to all segments in the chromosome with fixed length size. } \usage{ scanInv(objectHaploCode, window, maxSteps = 30, geno = FALSE, saveRes = TRUE, saveBlocks=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{objectHaploCode}{Object of class \code{HaploCode} produced by the \code{codeHaplo} function. } \item{window}{\code{numeric}, size of the window in mega-basis. } \item{maxSteps}{\code{numeric}, maximum number of iteration in the EM algorithm for the inversion model } \item{geno}{\code{logical}. Whether the original data is genotypes or phases haplotypes. } \item{saveRes}{\code{logical}. Whether results should be saves into file \code{invRes.RData} } \item{saveBlocks}{\code{logical}. Whether save blocks for each candidate break point. } } \details{ The function processes the haplotypes coded in \code{objectHaploCode}. If subsequent re-runs are requires for different window sizes, this object can be omitted. The function will thus search the local directory for previous results to speed up further scans. } \value{ object of class \code{scan} } \author{ Alejandro Caceres \email{acaceres@creal.cat}} \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{HaploCode}} , \code{\linkS4class{scan}} } \examples{ data(hapCode) window<-0.5 scanRes<-scanInv(hapCode,window=window,saveRes=FALSE,geno=FALSE,saveBlocks=FALSE) scanRes plot(scanRes) } \keyword{ constructor}