\name{accBic} \alias{accBic} \alias{accBic-methods} \alias{accBic,inversionList-method} \title{accBic computes "accuracy" from "inversionList"} \description{ \code{accBic} computes the accuracy of the classification of chromosomes into previously known inverted and non-inverted populations. The classification is obtained from a majority vote of the classifications produced by the trial segment models whose BIC is greater than a given threshold. } \usage{ accBic(object, mem, classFile, nsub, npoints, geno, wROI) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ of class \code{inversionList} } \item{mem}{ vector with the numbering of chromosomes known to have the inversion } \item{classFile}{an alternative to \code{mem}, it passes the file name containing the numbering of chromosomes known to have the inversion. } \item{nsub}{ total number of subjects (= 2* total number of chromosomes) } \item{npoints}{ number of BIC threshold between 0 and max (BIC) for which the accuracy is to be computed } \item{geno}{ whether the accuracy is assessed for inversion genotype or inversion allele (phased data). } \item{wROI}{ integer indicating the ROI number to be used. The total number of ROIs are the total number of components in the \code{object} list. } } \value{ \item{\code{accuracy}}{ object of class \code{accuracy}} } \author{ Alejandro Caceres \email{acaceres@creal.cat}} \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{inversionList}}, \code{\linkS4class{accuracy}} } \examples{ data(invList) memFile <- system.file("extdata", "mem.txt", package = "inveRsion") ac <- accBic(invList, classFile = memFile, nsub = 1000, npoints = 10) plot(ac) } \keyword{methods}