\name{ac} \alias{ac} \docType{data} \title{ Sample data set of class accuracy } \description{ Illustrative output of function \code{accBic}. It stores the accuracy of classification of each chromosome into the inverted population and the frequency of the inversion as a for a range of Bic thresholds. } \usage{data(hapCode)} \format{ The format is: Formal class '"accuracy"' [package "inveRsion"] with 1 slots ..@ out: num bicInt prob ac [1,] 0.0000 0.3180 0.9045 [2,] 142.4209 0.3745 0.9610 [3,] 284.8419 0.3945 0.9810 [4,] 427.2628 0.4130 0.9995 [5,] 569.6838 0.4130 0.9995 } \examples{ data(ac) ac } \keyword{datasets}