\name{goTools} \alias{ontoCompare} \alias{ontoPlot} \title{Wrapper functions} \description{ This functions will allow you to describe and compare sets of oligo ids using Gene Ontology database } \usage{ ontoCompare(genelist,probeType=c("GO","hgu133a"), goType="All", endnode, method=c("TGenes", "TIDS", "none"), plot=FALSE, ...) ontoPlot(objM, names.arg=NULL,beside=TRUE, las=2,legend.text=TRUE, ...) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{genelist}{list of list of valid probe ids.} \item{method}{method used to evaluate the percentage of oligos for each end-node. 'TGenes' = for each end node, return the number of direct children found / total number of probe ids. (default). This includes oligos which do not have GO annotations. 'TIDS' = for each end node, return the number of direct children found / total number of GO ids describing the list. 'none' = for each end node, return the number of direct children found.} \item{probeType}{type of input given to the function.Valid probe types include GO ids and any probes ids for which a BioC annotation package providing a mapping to GO is available. ontoCompare is expecting valid probe ids.} \item{goType}{help sort the data by type. If 'All' (default), all oligos are taken into account. 'BP' restricts information to Biological Process, 'CC' to Cellular Component, and 'MF' to Molecular Function.} \item{plot}{logical: if 'TRUE', results are output as a graph.} \item{endnode}{list of GO ids corresponding to end-nodes of interest.} \item{beside}{Logical. If 'TRUE', the bars of the barplot are portrayed as juxtaposed bars. See ?barplot for more details.} \item{las}{numeric: if las=2, the axis labels are displayed perpendicular to the axis. See ?par for more details.} \item{legend.text}{ vector of text used to construct a legend for the plot. See ?barplot for more details.} \item{objM}{results from ontoCompare.} \item{names.arg}{Labels to use in ontoPlot.} \item{...}{extra layout parameters to be passed to ontoPlot.} } \value{ Returns the percentage of probes children of nodes contained in endnode. If 'plot' = TRUE, results are plotted as a pie chart or a bargraph. } \author{Yee Hwa (Jean) Yang, Agnes Paquet} \examples{ # Examples use the probeID dataset. For description type ?probeID. # Not run #library(GO.db) #data(probeID) #ontoCompare(affylist, probeType="hgu133a", plot=TRUE) #res <- ontoCompare(operonlist["L1"], probeType="operon", method="TIDS") #ontoPlot(res, cex=0.7) } \keyword{file}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS \keyword{hplot}