\name{EndNodeList} \alias{EndNodeList} \alias{CustomEndNodeList} \title{Reference GO nodes list.} \description{ The function \code{EndNodeList} builds the default end node list used in \code{\link{ontoCompare}}. \code{CustomEndNodeList} helps you build a list of children nodes starting from a GO id of interest. } \usage{ EndNodeList() CustomEndNodeList(id,rank=1) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{id}{Valid GO id: "GO:XXXXXXX".} \item{rank}{Number of levels of children of the GO DAG under id you want to add to your nodes list.} } \value{ \code{EndNodeList} returns a vector of all GO ids 1 level below MF("GO:0003674"), BP("GO:0008150") and CC("GO:0005575"). MF, BP and CC nodes are included. \code{CustomEndNodeList} returns a vector of all GO ids children of \code{id}, \code{rank} levels below it. } \author{Yee Hwa (Jean) Yang, Agnes Paquet} \seealso{\code{\link{ontoCompare}}} \examples{ ## Examples use the probeID dataset. For description type ? probeID. ## library(GO.db) ## EndNodeList() ## MFendnode <- CustomEndNodeList("GO:0003674", rank=2) ## Example (not run) ## data(probeID) ## ontoCompare(affylist, probeType="hgu133a", endnode=MFendnode, goType="MF") } \keyword{file}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS \keyword{manip}