\name{fracOverlap} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{fracOverlap} \title{Retrieve intervals overlapping by fraction of width} \description{ Function to retrieve overlapping intervals that overlap at least by a specified fraction of their widths. } \usage{fracOverlap(I1, I2, min.frac=0.0, both=TRUE, mem.friendly=FALSE)} \arguments{ \item{I1}{object that inherits from class \code{Genome_intervals}} \item{I2}{object that inherits from class \code{Genome_intervals}} \item{min.frac}{numeric; minimum required fraction of each of the two interval widths by which two intervals should overlap in order to be marked as overlapping.} \item{both}{logical; shall both overlap partners meet the minimum fraction {\code{min.frac}} requirement? If \code{FALSE}, then overlaps with only partner involved to at least that fraction are also reported.} \item{mem.friendly}{logical; if set to \code{TRUE} an older but memory-friendlier version of \code{interval_overlap} is used inside this function. Note that \code{mem.friendly} is only evaluated if \code{I1} or \code{I2} is of class \code{AlignedGenomeIntervals}.} } \value{ An object of class \code{data.frame} with one row each for a pair of overlapping elements. \item{Index1}{Index of interval in first interval list} \item{Index2}{Index of interval in second interval list} \item{n}{number of bases that the two intervals overlap} \item{fraction1}{fraction of interval 1's width by which the two intervals overlap} \item{fraction2}{fraction of interval 2's width by which the two intervals overlap} } \author{J. Toedling} \seealso{\code{\link[genomeIntervals]{interval_overlap}}} \examples{ data("gen_ints", package="genomeIntervals") i[4,2] <- 13L fracOverlap(i, i, 0.5) } \keyword{manip}