\name{segs2RleDataFrame} \alias{segs2RleDataFrame} \title{CBS segments to probe matrix} \usage{segs2RleDataFrame(seg.list, locs) } \description{Given segments, make a DataFrame of Rle objects for each sample} \details{Take table of segments from CBS, convert DataTable of Rle objects for each sample.} \value{DataFrame of Rle objects with nrows same as locs and one column for each sample} \author{Peter Haverty} \arguments{\item{seg.list}{list, list of data frames, one per sample, each is result from CBS} \item{locs}{locData from a GenoSet object} } \examples{data(genoset) seg.list = runCBS( lrr(baf.ds), locData(baf.ds), return.segs=TRUE ) segs2RleDataFrame( seg.list, locData(baf.ds) ) # Loop segs2Rle on list of data.frames in seg.list}