\name{genoset-class} \docType{class} \alias{class:GenoSet} \alias{genoset-class} \alias{GenoSet-class} \section{Slots}{\describe{\item{\code{locData}:}{(\code{\link{RangedData}}) Contains a RangedData that holds probe locations}}} \section{Extends}{\code{\linkS4class{eSet}}} % GenoSet methods \alias{locData,GenoSet-method} \alias{locData<-,GenoSet,RangedData-method} \alias{universe,GenoSet-method} \alias{universe<-,GenoSet-method} \alias{show,GenoSet-method} \alias{featureNames<-,GenoSet-method} % Shared API for GenoSet and RangedData \alias{space,GenoSet-method} \alias{start,GenoSet-method} \alias{end,GenoSet-method} \alias{names,GenoSet-method} \alias{ranges,GenoSet-method} \alias{elementLengths,GenoSet-method} % Subsetting \alias{[,GenoSet,ANY-method} \alias{[,GenoSet,RangedData-method} \alias{[,GenoSet,RangesList-method} \alias{[,GenoSet,character-method} % Genome info from GenoSet or RangedData \alias{chr,GenoSet-method} \alias{chr,RangedData-method} \alias{pos,GenoSet-method} \alias{pos,RangedData-method} \alias{uniqueChrs,RangedDataOrGenoSet-method} \alias{orderedChrs,RangedDataOrGenoSet-method} \alias{chrIndices,RangedDataOrGenoSet-method} \alias{chrInfo,RangedDataOrGenoSet-method} \alias{genoPos,RangedDataOrGenoSet-method} % Plotting \alias{genoPlot,GenoSet,ANY-method} \alias{genoPlot,numeric,Rle-method} \alias{genoPlot,numeric,numeric-method} % DataFrame extensions: \alias{colMeans,DataFrame-method} \title{GenoSet class} \description{ The genoset package offers an extension of the BioConductor eSet object for genome arrays. The package offers three classes. The first class is the \code{GenoSet} class which can hold an arbitrary number of equal-sized matrices in its assayData slot. The principal addition of the GenoSet class is a \code{locData} slot that holds a RangedData object from the IRanges package. The locData slot allows for quick subsetting by genome position. Two classes extend GenoSet: CNSet and BAFSet. CNSet is the basic copy number object. It keeps its data in the \code{cn} slot, similar to the \code{exprs} slot of the ExpressionSet. BAFSet is intended to store \code{LRR} or Log-R Ratio and \code{BAF} or B-Allele Frequency data for SNP arrays. LRR and BAF come from the terms coined by Illumina. LRR is copynumber data processed on a per-snp basis to remove some variability using the expected log-ratio of normal samples with the same genotype. BAF represents the fraction of signal coming from the ``B'' allele, relative to the ``A'' allele, where A and B are arbitrarily assigned. BAF has the expected value of 0 or 1 for HOM alleles and 0.5 for HET alelles. Deviation from these expected values can be interpreted as Allelic Imbalance, which is a sign of gain, loss, or copy-neutral LOH. } \author{Peter M. Haverty} \seealso{ \link{bafset-class}, \link{cnset-class} } \examples{ ## Creating a GenoSet test.sample.names = LETTERS[11:13] probe.names = letters[1:10] gs = GenoSet( locData=RangedData(ranges=IRanges(start=1:10,width=1,names=probe.names),space=c(rep("chr1",4),rep("chr3",2),rep("chrX",4)),universe="hg18"), cn=matrix(31:60,nrow=10,ncol=3,dimnames=list(probe.names,test.sample.names)), pData=data.frame(matrix(LETTERS[1:15],nrow=3,ncol=5,dimnames=list(test.sample.names,letters[1:5]))), annotation="SNP6" ) } \keyword{methods} \keyword{classes}