\name{genomeAxis} \alias{genomeAxis} \title{Label axis with base pair units} \usage{genomeAxis(locs, side=1, log=FALSE, do.other.side=TRUE) } \description{Label an axis with base positions} \details{Label a plot with Mb, kb, bp as appropriate, using tick locations from axTicks} \value{nothing} \author{Peter M. Haverty} \arguments{\item{locs}{RangedData to be used to draw chromosome boundaries, if necessary. Usually locData slot from a GenoSet.} \item{side}{integer side of plot to put axis} \item{log}{logical Is axis logged?} \item{do.other.side}{logical, label non-genome side with data values at tick marks?} } \examples{data(genoset) genoPlot(genoPos(baf.ds), baf(baf.ds)[,1]) genomeAxis( locs=locData(baf.ds) ) # Add chromsome names and boundaries to a plot assuming genome along x-axis genomeAxis( locs=locData(baf.ds), do.other.side=FALSE ) # As above, but do not label y-axis with data values at tickmarks genomeAxis() # Add nucleotide position in sensible units assuming genome along x-axis}