\name{term2summary} \alias{term2summary} \title{ Retrieve genome summaries from NCBI } \description{ Search the Entrez Genome Project or Genome database at NCBI and retrieve a summary table using Entrez programming utilities (eUtils) } \usage{ term2summary(term, db = 'genomeprj', sortdate = FALSE, fulltable = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{term}{ Any valid combination of Entrez search terms } \item{db}{ Database to search, either genomeprj or genome } \item{sortdate}{ Sort the results by status and released date (default is by name)} \item{fulltable}{ Return all 20 E-summary fields for genomeprj or 12 fields for genome. } } \details{ Searches either genome database using the ESearch utility, returns document summary pages using the ESummary utility, and then parses the XML fields using the \code{XML} package. If searching Genome Project, then a genomes data frame with 4 columns (project id, name, status, released date) is returned. If fulltable is TRUE, then all 20 fields are returned, plus extra rows for overview genome projects (type = Top level), RefSeq genomes (type = RefSeq), and plasmid genomes (type = Plasmid genome). In many cases, recent assemblies will be listed on an overview page, a genome page (missing released date), and a RefSeq page (missing status). If searching Genomes, then a genomes data frame with 6 columns (acc, name (defline), status, released, taxid, size) is returned, or all 12 columns if fulltable is TRUE. } \value{ A genomes data frame } \references{A description of the Entrez programming utilities is at \url{http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/}. } \author{ Chris Stubben } %\note{} \seealso{ \code{\link{term2neighbor}} } \examples{ # Genomes sequenced at Los Alamos x <- term2summary( "Los Alamos AND Bacteria[ORGN]") x summary(x) # list of centers in lproks table are often incomplete data(lproks) summary(lproks, center \%like\% '*Los Alamos*') ## Taxonomy queries like genomes in Bacteroidetes phylum x <- term2summary("Bacteroidetes[ORGN]") x plot(x, ylab = 'Bacteroidetes genomes') } \keyword{ methods}