\name{revhist} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{revhist} \docType{data} \title{ Complete microbial genome release dates in Revision History } \description{ Lists the date a sequence was \emph{first seen} using genbank accessions from complete microbial genomes in the Seqeunce Revision History database at NCBI. } \usage{data(revhist)} \format{ A data frame with 1485 observations on the following 3 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{id}}{genbank accession number} \item{\code{released}}{ date sequence was first seen} \item{\code{common}}{ was common revision history link used?} } } \details{ This table was created by taking the \emph{first} genbank accession in the \code{\link{lproks}} table and using \code{\link{acc2date}} to return the date the sequence was first seen at NCBI. In some cases, the genome sequence may not be the first genbank ID in the list (eg, a plasmid sequence may be first) and no attempt was made to correct these rows. } \source{ Sequence Revision History database at NCBI \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sviewer/girevhist.cgi} } %\references{ } \examples{ data(revhist) # sorted by release date in lproks head(revhist) data(lproks) x<-subset(lproks, year(released)==1995, c(name,genbank)) x # genome sequence BA000022 for Synechocystis is 4th id in list acc2date(x$genbank) } \keyword{datasets}