\name{pubmed} \alias{pubmed} \docType{data} \title{ Complete microbial genome publications in PubMed } \description{ Publications for complete microbial genomes in the PubMed database at NCBI } \usage{data(pubmed)} \format{ A data frame with 747 observations on the following 9 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{pmid}}{PubMed id} \item{\code{authors}}{first 3 author names} \item{\code{year}}{year journal was published } \item{\code{title}}{ title} \item{\code{journal}}{journal name} \item{\code{volume}}{volume number} \item{\code{pages}}{pages} \item{\code{pubdate}}{ date journal was published (from PubDate tag)} \item{\code{artdate}}{ date electronic copy was available (from ArticleDate tag)} } } \details{ This table was created by taking the \emph{first} pubmed ID in the \code{\link{lproks}} table (publication column) and using \code{\link{pub2date}} to return the citation for each unique pubmed ID. In some cases, the genome publication may not be the first pubmed ID in \code{lproks} and no attempt was made to correct these rows (except for deleting 4 publications before 1995). } \source{ PubMed database at NCBI} %\references{ } \examples{ data(pubmed) pubmed[1:2,c(1,3,4,8)] # Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) should use the second pmid. # even worse, the release date uses the wrong published date! data(lproks) subset(lproks, pid==242, c(1,2,4,16)) pub2date(12000953) } \keyword{datasets}