\name{image2} \alias{image2} \title{ Display a matrix image } \description{ Creates a grid of colored rectangles to display a matrix } \usage{ image2(x, col = rev(heat.colors(24)), breaks, log = FALSE, zeroNA=TRUE, sort01=FALSE, all=FALSE, border = NA, box.offset = 0.1, round = 3, cex, text.cex = 1, text.col = "black", mar = c(1, 3, 3, 1), labels = 2:3, label.offset = 0.1, label.cex = 1) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A numeric matrix, typically with row and column names } \item{col}{ A vector of colors for boxes} \item{breaks}{ A numeric vector of break points or number of intervals into which \code{x} is to be \code{\link{cut}}. Default is the length of \code{col} } \item{log}{ Cut values in \code{x} using a log scale, default TRUE } \item{zeroNA}{ Set zeros to NA (and color white) } \item{sort01}{ Sort rows in descending order using the entire string of numbers} \item{all}{ Display entire matrix, default is first 50 rows and columns } \item{border}{ The border color for boxes, default is no borders } \item{box.offset}{ Percent reduction in box size (a number between 0 and 1), default is 10\% reduction } \item{round}{ Number of decimal places to display values of \code{x} in each box} \item{cex}{ Magnification size of text and labels, if specified this will replace values in both text.cex and label.cex } \item{text.cex}{ Magnification size of text in cells only } \item{text.col}{ Color of text in cells, use NA to skip text labels } \item{mar}{ Margins on four sides of plot } \item{labels}{ A vector giving sides of the plot (1=bottom, 2=left, 3=top, 4=right) for row and column labels } \item{label.offset}{ Amount of space between label and boxes } \item{label.cex}{ Magnification size of labels } } \details{ Missing values (NAs) and zeroes are assigned to the color white (unless zeroNA is FALSE) and remaining values are cut into groups and colored using the assigned values. } \value{ A image plot of the matrix in \code{x}} %\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{ Chris Stubben } %\note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{image}} } \examples{ ## Journals with most microbial genome publications, data(pubmed) z<-table2(pubmed$journal, pubmed$year, n=15) image2(z[,-ncol(z)], sort=TRUE, mar=c(1,10,3,1), cex=.8) } \keyword{ color }