\name{acc2date} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{acc2date} \title{ Retrieve release dates from NCBI's revision history } \description{ Returns the date a sequence was first seen at NCBI using the revision history. } \usage{ acc2date(ids, common=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{ids}{ a vector or comma-separated list of sequence accessions or GI numbers } \item{common }{ if present, use the common revision history link } } \details{ Searches the sequence revision history at NCBI \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sviewer/girevhist.cgi} and parses the line listing the date a sequence was \emph{first seen at NCBI}. In many cases, a sequence replaces earlier IDs and will therefore include a common revision history link. If this option is set, each common history link is searched and the earliest release date from the collection of sequence ids is returned instead. } \value{ A data frame listing the sequence identifier, release date, and if common revision history was used. } %\references{ } \author{ Chris Stubben } %%\note{} \seealso{ \code{\link{revhist}} } \examples{ data(lproks) yp<-subset(lproks, name \%like\% 'Yersinia*CO92') yp$genbank # 1 chromosome and 3 plasmids acc2date(yp$genbank) acc2date(yp$genbank, common=FALSE) } \keyword{ methods }