\name{scmod1} \alias{scmod1} \docType{data} \title{ Subtype Clustering Model using ESR1, ERBB2 and AURKA modules for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Desmedt et al 2008) } \description{ List of parameters defining the Subtype Clustering Model as published in Desmedt et al 2008. } \usage{data(scmod1)} \format{ List of parameters for SCMOD1: \describe{ \item{\code{parameters} }{List of parameters for the mixture of three Gaussians (ER-/HER2-, HER2+ and ER+/HER2-) that define the Subtype Clustering Model. The structure is the same than for an \code{\link[mclust]{Mclust}} object.} \item{\code{cutoff.AURKA} }{Cutoff for AURKA module score in order to identify ER+/HER2- High Proliferation (aka Luminal B) tumors and ER+/HER2- Low Proliferation (aka Luminal A) tumors. } \item{\code{mod} }{ESR1, ERBB2 and AURKA modules.} } } %%\details{ %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the __description__ above ~~ %%} \source{ \url{http://clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/14/16/5158.abstract?ck=nck} } \references{ Desmedt C, Haibe-Kains B, Wirapati P, Buyse M, Larsimont D, Bontempi G, Delorenzi M, Piccart M, and Sotiriou C (2008) "Biological processes associated with breast cancer clinical outcome depend on the molecular subtypes", \emph{Clinical Cancer Research}, \bold{14}(16):5158--5165. } \examples{ data(scmod1) str(scmod1, max.level=1) } \keyword{data}