\name{geneid.map} \alias{geneid.map} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Function to find the common genes between two datasets or a dataset and a gene list } \description{ This function allows for fast mapping between two datasets or a dataset and a gene list. The mapping process is performed using Entrez Gene id as reference. In case of ambiguities (several probes representing the same gene), the most variant probe is selected. } \usage{ geneid.map(geneid1, data1, geneid2, data2, verbose = FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{geneid1}{ first vector of Entrez Gene ids. The name of the vector cells must be the name of the probes in the dataset \code{data1}. } \item{data1}{ First dataset with samples in rows and probes in columns. The dimnames must be properly defined. } \item{geneid2}{ Second vector of Entrez Gene ids. The name of the vector cells must be the name of the probes in the dataset \code{data1} if it is not missing, proper names must be assigned otherwise. } \item{data2}{ First dataset with samples in rows and probes in columns. The dimnames must be properly defined. It may be missing. } \item{verbose}{ \code{TRUE} to print informative messages, \code{FALSE} otherwise. } } %%\details{ %%} \value{ \item{geneid1 }{Mapped gene list from \code{geneid1}.} \item{data1 }{Mapped dataset from \code{data1}.} \item{geneid2 }{Mapped gene list from \code{geneid2}.} \item{data2 }{Mapped dataset from \code{data2}.} } %%\references{ %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ %%} \author{ Benjamin Haibe-Kains } \note{ It is mandatory that the names of \code{geneid1} and \code{geneid2} must be the probe names of the microarray platform. } %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ %%\seealso{ %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ %%} \examples{ ## load NKI data data(nki) nki.gid <- annot.nki[ ,"EntrezGene.ID"] names(nki.gid) <- dimnames(annot.nki)[[1]] ## load GGI signature data(sig.ggi) ggi.gid <- sig.ggi[ ,"EntrezGene.ID"] names(ggi.gid) <- as.character(sig.ggi[ ,"probe"]) ## mapping through Entrez Gene ids of NKI and GGI signature res <- geneid.map(geneid1=nki.gid, data1=data.nki, geneid2=ggi.gid, verbose=FALSE) str(res) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ mapping }